🗺 Potential ACC Expansion & Conference Realignment

Here’s the Slate article. Sr appeared to be better was more opportunistic in a different way. Jr. certainly pushed the school and the local government in Lynchburg in a different direction during his rise to power in the early 2k.

I know this is proly a very dumb question but where do they get all their money? My son played them in soccer at Liberty and said facilities were absurdly nice. And is was the ASUN conference

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Donors backers, property and real estate development around Lynchburg and Tithes.

It’s funny I was recruited by them in HS back in the late 90’s they were still a D2/IAA team at the time and their facilities were a joke. One of the worst fields I’ve ever stepped on.

the college arms race has been unreal. Rates at 0 and free money everywhere. Will be interesting to see what happens going forward with things tighter


Absolutely. Look no further than any SEC football program the things they have available to them is other wordily. It’s funny because I remember when Fawell Sr stated he wanted to create the BYU of the East and it seemed impossible considering how small Liberty was at the time, and they’ve basically gone from D2 to D1 and competitive in less than a decade

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Also they have about 125,000 online students. That model is a cash cow for LU.


Yep forgot about that, they are the largest school in the country based on that. I know the old River Ridge mall where I young Dragon would hang on Saturday’s has basically been transformed into an off campus learning lab for Liberty cause of the number of online/non traditional students.


There facilities are extremely nice! Top Notch, with the ability to enlarge the football stadium as they need to. With Freeze’s ability to recruit, their facilities, and available playing time they are going to rapidly rise as a program. Two bowls in first two years of FBS. I think they will also make a living being a thorn for ACC programs. They will compete for many of the same in-state kids VT does.

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Yep, Liberty Online had their offices there, although I think they have vacated and it is pretty much back to a mall. Spent many a weekend night at the mall back in the day myself. For those that don’t know, LU has around $3 billion in assets, investments of $2 billion, and around $1 billion in revenue. They can out spend almost any college in America.


I heard they were looking into turning the mall back into retail. The overall expansion of that campus is mindboggling to me. I drove through it on the way home for Thanksgiving last year. it’s insane. I haven’t been on the campus since 99ish, and probably and not been into Lynchburg since early 2ks.

They have a war chest of money available and to @Chief8hoo point they are spending it well on their athletic programs, specifically football. Snagging Freeze was a big coup.

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They just extended Freeze. Wonder what the buyout is.

Makes sense. His name was being floated for a possible return to the SEC, that usually spells contract extension.

On Liberty and race, Falwell Sr. was an ardent detractor of MLK and he started Lynchburg Christian Academy (now Liberty Cristian Academy) as a white only private school in response to integration. Of course this is fairly common among private schools in the south, Fuqua is another local one that started similarly.

Of course the difference is that Falwell went on to found what would become Liberty University. As far as I am concerned, Falwell was a racist con-artist and his legacy looms large over the school to this day.

Every year when I start driving by it again on my way to SML I am disgusted by the new buildings that keep popping up that I know are being paid for by taking advantage of a primarily poor/minority population that enrolls in their overpriced online program where their credits don’t even transfer in many cases.

There isn’t time to talk about the other regressive policies they have like their strict student code of conduct and the fact that the institution serves as a mouthpiece and breeding ground for the hardcore religious right. You would be surprised at how many children of politicians get sent to Liberty.

I have attached a few articles for those that want to learn more about Liberty. I really do not understand why it gets so many taxpayer dollars. IMO it should be classified a for-profit institution or their online program needs to be much more heavily regulated or even shut down all together.



That’s why I’m saying Liberty may become a monster and soon. Think Baylor on steroids!

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I wondered the same. However, he could remain there and continue to build his resume. He could do what Bobby Bowden did at FSU. He will feel no pressure there. He’s setting his own standards.

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Story is his salary is top 5 for non Power 5 coaches. At least $3 million per. With deep pockets for the program there are plenty of reasons for Freeze to stay right there.

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Nailed it 10 for 10 right there. I didn’t want to go into the weeds with it, but everything you said is true. You don’t have to look hard into the inner workings of Lynchburg politics and it’s failures to the minority community to find Liberty’s role. My mother is a pastor and runs a non-profit that specializes in helping the homeless and addicts etc. Despite also being a religious organization Liberty has again and again proven to be an obstacle in them achieving their mission and a lot of that has to do with the clientele they serve.


Call me a hater, but I could see Liberty being Liberty’s own worse enemy. Especially in the current environment with more athletes becoming socially aware. Add in the tight restrictions placed on students on campus and it can and will hurt recruiting. If a recruit doesn’t want to go to UVa or VT because it’s too rural/small town they sure as hell aren’t going to Lynchburg.

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If the ACC adds 1 more, I’d go with UConn.

I’ve heard the “BC doesn’t want them” argument, but so what? Is BC in any position to hardball anyone? What exactly do THEY bring to the table that they could force anyone’s hand?

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well this already happened this summer…