This isn’t about personal stuff like getting back in shape. We’re talking about ways to improve as a Virginia fan or sports fan in general, or maybe just be a better member of the fan community.
I have two
Be kind to those that don’t necessarily deserve it. That’s never been a problem on LRA, but sometimes I do snap at the know nothing know it alls on social media. They’re not all trolls. Some of them mean well.
Get back to basics. I need to remember that not everyone is a diehard fan who’s followed recruiting for years. Explain more and in simpler terms.
I’ll second that! 2019 was a special year for UVA basketball. So Im going to make sure I dont take our program for granted when we lose. Going to still have down moments, so my commitment is not to get down during those down times. Go Hoos!
Mine is to begin posting on this board and using it more. Best content for anything uva basketball related I’ve seen, and posters here seem to be the most welcoming of all boards I’ve seen. Excellent work HGN, TW, and all other staffers!
Make it to more games in person as well and post LockerRoomAccess to comments sections of Virginia basketball articles to get more and more perspective from Hoos like us.
I gotta agree with @Merch. Sometimes we just gotta sit back and realize that all these guys are just teenagers, and, like us, they are FAR from perfect
I was thinking about the age thing the other day and wish some people would keep this in mind before bashing players (not just UVA basketball, speaking of college sports in general). These are student athletes who are typically 18-22 years old, and I think that’s something a lot of peole lose sight of.
I resolve to be a better “traveling fan.” I’ve had football season tickets for many years and since I live in west Richmond I rarely miss one. I also get to Hooville for lax, b-ball and baseball as often as I can but rarely have I traveled to support our teams. I will do so in 2020 as these players deserve support wherever they play.
I will also be a better fan and supporter of our women’s teams. One of my neighbors made second boat on the crew team and I will support her efforts as well as the many other female athletes who give their all for their teams, school and community.
For 2020 when I’m watching at home, need to get myself and my kids up off the couch and into good defensive stance to help the team get big stops. Always stay encouraged, even through the droughts. Celebrate the team and have fun. Win or lose, love these ‘hoos.