9th grade, seven foot-two, Oak Hill Academy, Rufus Owolabi

Private boarding school Oak Hill Academy has a 9th grade center, Class of 2024, playing on their varsity this year. Rufus Owolabi, Jr. is listed at 7-2 233.

Maybe he’s already been mentioned on this site, but I didn’t see it.
I don’t know where he’s from. I just know he played for a Mississippi AAU team recently.

I hope Oak Hill Academy can hang on to him: recruiting by private schools can be ferocious. Any day, if a public or private high school has a big-time player, there are some private high school coaches who will try every day to get him to transfer away to their school.

One rationalized it to me by saying, “If I didn’t recruit, we wouldn’t have a single player on our team!”

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Not sure what you mean, but Oak Hill is a private school basketball factory if you didn’t know; don’t think he will get recruited away from there


Unless the kids homesick there’s no reason why he would go to another school. He will get plenty of exposure at Oak Hill. At 7 foot two he will get recruited by and picked up by Florida State


Ha. Truth.


Is that where you think Efton Reid is going to go?

No because they already have 2 centers committed for their 2021 class.

A long time ago, I went to an Oak Hill Academy game. They had Kevin Durant, an 11th-grader. The next year, he was playing for Montrose Christian in the D.C. area.

But actually, he played for a 3rd high school also: as a high school 9th and 10th-grader, he played for a different high school in the D.C. area, National Christian Academy.

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