šŸˆ ACC Football: Week 13 - 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Away Home Time Location Links
NC StateNC State Georgia TechGeorgia Tech 7:30 P.M. ET Atlanta, Ga. (Conf.) TV: ESPN Stats Video

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Away Home Time Location Links
North CarolinaNorth Carolina Boston CollegeBoston College 12:00 P.M. ET Chestnut Hill, Mass. (Conf.) TV: The CW Stats
UConnUConn SyracuseSyracuse 12:00 P.M. ET Syracuse, N.Y. TV: ACCN Stats Video
SMUSMU VirginiaVirginia 12:00 P.M. ET Charlottesville, Va. (Conf.) TV: ESPN2 Stats Video
Wake ForestWake Forest MiamiMiami 12:00 P.M. ET Miami Gardens, Fla. (Conf.) TV: ESPN Stats Video
Charleston SouthernCharleston Southern Florida StateFlorida State 1:30 P.M. ET Tallahassee, Fla. TV: ACCNX Stats Video
StanfordStanford CaliforniaCalifornia 3:30 P.M. ET Berkeley, Calif. (Conf.) TV: ACCN Stats Video
PittPitt LouisvilleLouisville 3:30 P.M. ET Louisville, Ky. (Conf.) TV: ESPN2 Stats Video
The CitadelThe Citadel ClemsonClemson 3:30 P.M. ET Clemson, S.C. TV: The CW Stats
Virginia TechVirginia Tech DukeDuke 8:00 P.M. ET Durham, N.C. (Conf.) TV: ACC Network Stats

Hoos roll after a Dragon pregame speech


Iā€™ll never understand the out-of-conference games late in the season. Just seems so wrong to me.

I wish SMU was an out-of-conference game. :rofl:


I wish we were playing Charleston Southern to get that 6th win this weekend.


I chuckled seeing the Clemson vs The Citadel and FSU vs. Charleston Southern matchup made me chuckle because itā€™s like theyā€™re doing their best SEC cos play


Yeah, a game against Easywin Directional State instead of ND would have changed our perception of this season enormously.


This team is so fickleā€¦ UVa couldā€™ve been the first team in history to lose to the Little Sisters of the Poor.


Why it always gotta be LSotP though?


Answer:: Gordon Gee :rofl:

ā€¦ but seriouslyā€¦ donā€™t know why it is always them.

Edit: I found origin!

ā€œLittle Sisters of the Poorā€ is a euphemism used in college sports to describe a weak opponent. The term originated from a comparison made by the mayor of Cleveland after Senator Robert Taftā€™s 1950 re-election victory. The mayor compared Taftā€™s victory to the Notre Dame football team beating the Little Sisters of the Poor.


I wish weā€™d schedule a cupcake the week before the VT game. Get healthy, build our confidence up, help us prep for that last game of the season.


Yeah thereā€™s a reason the Alabamaā€™s and Georgiaā€™s of the world started doing it; people who run those programs generally make smart decisions. When winning your end-of-year rivalry game is of critical importance to your fanbase, you give yourself any edge you can.

Interestingly enough, kind of surprised neither Texas nor A&M scheduled a cupcake for this coming weekend given the historic importance of their game on the 30th.


Itā€™s an SEC thing and I donā€™t think those programs are wrong for doing it. But Iā€™m also not surprised that Texas or A&M chose not to. Big 12 and Big 10 rarely played out of conference after Oct.

As a coach I can see pros and cons to it. There is an argument to be made for playing Lil Sisters of the Poor and getting out of synch before a big game similar to why I always hated a bye week before the post season etc. Trick is to find a game thatā€™s competitive that keeps the guys tuned in and ready to play but you know you can sit everyone by midway through the third.

In Virginiaā€™s case even in the heyday of the program finding that perfect combination could be difficult.

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Iā€™ve always believed that if we scheduled the VT game towards the beginning of the season, we would have won more games over the years. Weā€™ve still been the worse program during that stretch, but I think we could have stole a few victories by catching a less prepared team earlier in the year.


I think Welsh tried this (or Groh?) and ran into a lot of resistance. Folks seemed to like it in that Thanksgiving slot. Whoever tried it, I think it was before VPI joined the ACC.

The only VPI game I ever went to at Scott was the Joe Gieck tripping game, because it wasnā€™t Thanksgiving weekend (weekend prior).

Actually, looking at this on Wikipedia, and it wasnā€™t even in that Post-thanksgiving slot (at least on a regular basis) until the early-mid aughts.


I always think of VT in the Thanksgiving slot. But I o recall going to games the week leading Thanksgiving in the 90s. Also remember them testing it on the Day after Thanksgiving which i did not like.

Guess what Iā€™m saying is itā€™s fine in the Thanksgiving slot and I think people (mostly fans) put way too much emphasis on the VT game. Not saying itā€™s not a massive game and the one I want the most, but I think all the ā€œcurseā€ talk is overblown.


Bud Foster said the same in an interview after he had retired, that they would have lost a few of those games if they were played earlier in the season.

I donā€™t mind the game being where it is but also wouldnā€™t be too upset if they moved it to September or October.


Last normal season I remember us trying that was '99, Michael Vickā€™s RS Fr year, when we played them at the start of October (Jazzā€™s last year, my first year), and Vick shredded us. Itā€™s interesting that we chose that year to try it in October, because the rivalry had been pretty even before that, the year prior being the Ahmad Hawkins game in Blacksburg. Maybe it was a weather thing, trying to get it in when it was more pleasant October rather than frigid November (especially at Lane).

(Edit: couldā€™ve been an ACC- or BE-directed thing. Remember Tech was Big East then. We closed our regular season that year against Maryland instead, so maybe the ACC wanted to push that rivalry [and UVA-UMD was a good rivalry at the time] as the grand finale, so VT had no choice but to accept October as an alternative. They finished their regular season against Boston College, at the time also a good BE rivalry.)

Only other time we tried it early was 2020, the pandemic year, when everyone wanted to schedule their high profile games earlier because they felt it gave those games a higher likelihood of actually happening, since the season could fall apart at any time in theory. Of course someone had an outbreak in September and the game happened in November anyways that year.

At this point, the VT folks have no reason to let us change it. No oneā€™s going to make them.

Only way it changes is if one of us leaves the ACC and the whole scheduling scheme starts from scratch.


I think if we really pushed the ACC office to play the home games on some other date theyā€™d accommodate if we could provide a good alternative for Thanksgiving when almost every other team is playing their big (mostly in-state) rival. Probably would need UNC to be part of the plan (and I really doubt that happens).

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Itā€™s hard to make changes, kind of like political redistricting. Whichever is currently losing wants to change things and whoever is winning doesnā€™t.

Though with redistricting, only the side in power can make the changes, so naturally they donā€™t want to.

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