And let’s be honest, Mrs. Plegard…
One of my favorites parts about the insane dunk attempt was Tony’s post game where he said something along the lines of wondering if Jake was having an out of body experience or something
If I recall there’s a photo of him in mid air where you can clearly see he’s thinking…
Where are those mid-air pics? I tried to dig em up earlier and gave up
It’s even worse than I remember lol. He couldn’t dunk that if you gave him a 2nd attempt from where he landed on the 1st
Some said he didn’t belong. They could never make me hate you Rohdawg.
My new favorite player!
Props to him. I was very much on the “get him out of town” side this offseason and he has proven he belongs and now I would be happy for the next coach to try and keep him
If we had this Andrew Rohde last year, Colorado St. only beats us by 10-15! On a serious note, how much better would last year’s team have been with this Andrew Rohde?
Reece would have had 100 million assists per game.
Fresh and I discussed this on the post-game show last night….
Has there ever been a player at UVA (or anywhere really) who has improved as much from one season to the next? I mean, he was awful last year and he played like 26 mins a game.
He’s playing about 3 mins a game more this year, but has basically doubled every stat he had from last year. That’s remarkable, programmatically historic, and I’m happy for him.
Now keep it going. We have a tough stretch coming up (and that includes GT who just beat Louisville)
Based on a false premise. Rohde was the same guy mostly. He just paired terribly with Beekman, had a nagging foot injury all season, and first season playing Bennett ball.
See: Armaan Franklin’s shooting 2021-2022
Disagree with you here @zh00s. Maybe it’s a culmination of everything you mentioned and massively improved confidence and comfortability within the program. Regardless, I think he looks like a different player this year but hard to pin-point for sure.
Also, @DFresh11 has a good theory on why he was so ineffective last year.
My theory is he got Traudt’d. Also plays taller this year and not always hunched over and retreating. Making shots (especially the first one or two)
If he was hurt then he also was played way too many minutes last year
gonna need a Merriam Webster for this one
Agree with all of this. He’s been catching and releasing his shot much higher, too. Especially in the last 6 weeks. seems deliberate
Maybe Sharma gave him some pointers on quick release
One of the things I’ve noticed over the past couple games is Rohde’s cutting ability. He’s the best cutter of our guards and he’s gotten very good at both timing his cuts and being deceptive with his movement.
The game has also slowed down for him, which was most evident against Pitt’s press yesterday. He’s decisive and purposeful in all of his movement and does a really job of manipulating the defense with his eyes.
Yes. Playing taller and seeing the floor