Free contest, open to everyone. Pick winners of ACC games all of February. The top contestant at the end of the month will receive their choice of any available item from the LRA shop.
Here are the rules: The only change from January’s contest is in #3
You can only use each team once. For example if you pick Clemson this weekend, they’re off limits the rest of the month. Looking ahead at the ACC schedule to find each team’s most winnable game is the wise move.
Our contest winner will be determined by correct picks minus incorrect picks. So a record of 8-2 is equal to 6-0. Total point differential will serve as the tie-breaker. Avoiding losses is the key. Just because you can use all 15 teams doesn’t mean you have to.
To make picks, you can either list them in the thread or send me a private message. I’ll post schedules twice a week (weekday/weekend). You’re also welcome to make picks in advance. If you’re doing that, just be kind enough to include the dates.
You can make as many picks as you like in a day or week, as long as you haven’t already used those teams. I’ll be keeping track of scores and teams used for each contestant, posted periodically.
Clemson: 2/22 at Georgia Tech
Duke: 2/4 at BC
FSU: 2/8 vs. Miami
Louisville: 2/5 vs. Wake Forest
Miami: 2/12 vs. BC
UNC: 2/1 vs. BC
NC State: 2/29 vs. Pitt
Notre Dame: 2/23 vs. Miami
Syracuse: 2/8 vs. Wake Forest
UVA: 2/15 at UNC
VT: 2/19 vs. Miami
I don’t know whether @HoozGotNext is taunting me or whether the entire ACC schedule is mocking me, but needless to say, I’m not thrilled that the last game of entire month of February is Notre Dame at Wake Forest.
For people didn’t follow last month’s identical contest. @Wayne narrowly won with a perfect 11-0 record. it boils down to choosing a strategy (or being forced into it with early losses). Using every team comes with risk but gives a little margin for error.
Clemson - 2/22 at BC
Duke: 2/4 at BC
FSU: 2/8 vs. Miami
Georgia Tech: 2/29 vs Miami
Louisville: 2/5 vs. Wake Forest
Miami: 2/12 vs. BC
UNC: 2/1 vs. BC
NC State: 2/16 at BC
Notre Dame: 2/1 vs. GT
Pitt: 2/2 vs. Miami
Syracuse: 2/8 vs. Wake Forest
UVA: 2/19 vs BC
VT: 2/8 vs BC