I just got a twitter account- thought I’d try it out. I’ve been wanting to know if there are any good basketball or sports accounts I should check out. I’m open to anything, and I’m taking all suggestions.
I guess if you wanna follow me my username is @br_dsgns, but I won’t be posting very much. I just wanted to check it out and see if I like it. Thanks guys and go hoos!
Definitely follow Caroline Darney. She’s a bit over the top sometimes, but a Hoo through and through. Writes for STL. Brandon Lloyd, Bennett Conlin are also uva beat writers that put good stuff up.
The accounts that help us here are:
obviously @hoozgotnext
Brandon Lloyd
UVA Basketball
Barry Guthrie
other accounts:
phony bennett
not sure if wahoops is on twitter
embrace the pace
Thanks for the suggestions!
Once you dive into Wahoo twitter you’ll find everyone quickly from retweets and suggestions lol My favorite follows are really just some of the ordinary fans.
Jordan Sperber (https://twitter.com/hoopvision68) is awesome for a more general CBB X’s and O’s/analytics follow. He put out a relative ton of UVa content last season, such as this video on the Blocker-Mover offense: The Pros and Cons of Virginia's Blocker-Mover Offense - YouTube