That was really good. He’s engaging as hell and had some great stories. The stuff about Leitao was interesting. Seems like Leitao quit on him before he even played a minute. It’s funny he remembers the things Leitao said to him that pissed him off. There are a few things coaches said to me that still piss me off 20 something years later.
He was an amazing guest…
Just listened to the whole thing, and what a great podcast. Kind of makes me hope that one day when he hangs up the shoes he could do some UVA TV work or something.
Also funny how he identified that snow game as when everything went downhill Tony’s first season. I know we lost, but that game is still one of my favorite memories. They let everyone down close to the court and it was just such a fun atmosphere. My memory is hazy, but I think it was Al Farouq Aminu who kept killing us. Was a great time though.
I’m about halfway through the podcast and was amused by the talk about him mentioning there was a hotel near the law school. I’m pretty sure they were staying in the Visiting Officer’s Quarters (VOQ) in the US Army Judge Advocate General (JAG) School next to the law school. That place was really a hidden gem for us ROTC folks… it had a military Shoppette and all the logistics of any military base to include the hotel. My first Permanent Change of Station (PCS) I used the Transportation Management Office in the JAG school to schedule my household goods.
thats great insight jazznut cause I never knew that existed and thought Jerome made that up hahaha
One secret was always military parents could reserve rooms in the VOQ for graduation when everything else was sold out!
This is IMO the best LRA pod so far. You guys are doing an amazing job. Keep up the good work.
thanks dude. we lucky cause UVa sports and related people are great topics to run with. Agree with you, Jerome at the top of the list; what an interesting dude.