📖 Journey before Destination: book thread

Did Nick Nolte do this one justice?

It’s been a while, but the one where he gets drummed out of the Citadel is a great read

Kon drummer the Citadel with 30 the other night


I think you’re talking about Lords of Discipline, I haven’t read that but it’s on my list. That, Lonesome Dove, and Blood Meridian are high on my to be read


If anyone can name the actor in Lords of Discipline you get to come on pregame pod with @chavlicek15

Hint: olympic gold medal boxer. Also unreal book by…

I won’t give it away, but it’s not Jon Voight (I had to google it).

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I meant the cadet receiving “discipline”

@JoeBoxley If you want another clever author that is not SciFi/Fantasy… check out Carl Hiaasen… any of his books. AppleTV+ just adapted his Bad Monkey book into a series, but I’d say if you pick up any of them you’d enjoy them. Super witty author.


All of Conroy’s books are excellent reads. Wonderful prose and phrasing throughout.


Ever read My Losing Season?

Negative, only Conroy I’ve read is Prince of tides

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The problem with Hiaasen is that those books are called fiction but having lived in FL a number of years they are all too real.

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Mark Breland. Haney can have my spot on the podcast, though. “Not Jon Voight” was technically correct, after all.

Oh, and @jazznutUVA, Nolte was alright in the Prince of Tides movie, but Streisand ruined it, both in her portrayal of Lowenstein and insistence on casting her goofy son as Bernard. Also, the movie gave short shrift to the whole Luke/Colleton story arc, which was my favorite part of the novel.


I was just thinking of all the movie Conroys (or Conracks), but apparently Fresh wasn’t even thinking of a Conroy

Am huge Conroy fan

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All great reads. Blood Meridian is dark as hell, though. I love McCarthy and have read almost everything he’s written. But I picked up Blood Meridian and put it down three times before I ever made it through to the end.


Two days until Wind and Truth


Roshar GIF by TriNerds


Just got off the hold list for Ancillary Justice (cc @jasponti) and A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik from the library (e-book borrowing through Libby is great), so I’m looking forward to tucking into both.


About to finish the third book in the OG Mistborn trilogy right before wind and truth

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