I saw a trio of talking heads pontificating on their choices for the 2020 All Star game. I have several questions I’d like everyone’s thoughts on.
The smartest guy started off saying Malcolm Brogdan is a no-brainer. Given the weight fan votes carry and the small size of the Pacers market, do you agree?
What do you think of the selection methodology? Is it unfairly biased in favor of players from large markets?
Should we discuss who we think will make it this year?
There is a 50% weight given to fan votes, with fans allowed to vote 10X a day during the voting period (which I think is about 10 days).
A 25% weight is given to votes from players and 25% is given to members of the media.
Alex Caruso is fourth among guards in the west… so yeah. Brogdon not in the top 10 of guards in the East in the fan vote rn. Would have to be top 4/5ish after all votes are cast depending on how many votes he gets. Unknown where he is as they only release the top 10 vote getters for the fan vote. Injury issues hurt Brogdon’s case, as he’s missed something like 12 games of 41. But at roughly 18ppg, 7.5apg, and 4.5rpg and as he’s been one of the Pacers best two players (him and Sabonis are each having breakout seasons) he has a legit case. Small market is very tough tho considering he’s not a big name and how much the fan vote is valued. Before he missed roughly 3 weeks recently, I’d thought he had a 50-50 chance of getting in, at this point I don’t really see him getting to Chicago. He’s been great and deserves it, but the injuries and small market are likely to much to overcome. I will point out though that people are sleeping on the Pacers. Halfway through the season they’re on track for 52 wins, all without their best player in oladipo. They’re going to be dangerous in the playoffs, and the league is going to be put on notice next yr.
The whole thing is a nutshell of why the NBA has a hard time reaching a large portion of potential fans. I enjoy the playoffs, but rarely watch until then.
The NBA game has mastered the highlights condensed into 10 minutes on youtube. The body of the overall game is not great or interesting in my opinion. But when they are good they are beyond good so it keeps people somewhat engaged I think. The talent is nuts
I am pro-democracy…but the bottom line is it is a popularity contest and not based on practicality. There are lots of negatives to this when it comes to both politics and basketball. I wouldn’t dare talk politics on this forum, but when it comes to basketball, I think personally the fan vote should be worth almost nothing…maybe 10% just so NBA fans can feel like they are participating in something. It should be about a players stats. That is the best way of measuring someones skill sets against fellow players. Of course this would not be as good for ratings…
I’m not sure about using just stats as a basis for selection because sometimes a guy brings more to the team than his numbers alone would indicate. At the same time, basing the selection on fan voting makes no sense. The fans don’t have much of a clue as to who the best players are. For one thing they don’t get to see enough of the teams to get a feel for how players measure up against each other . . . TV coverage in most markets sucks. That pretty much means fans are relying on SportsCenter or some such to formulate their views about guys playing for out of market teams. And then there’s the ridiculous rule that fans can enter their votes 10 times a day for 10 days.
The only reasonable way to select an all star team is for the players to vote. The players know who is and who isn’t bringing it in the current year. They are the only source of first hand knowledge about how everyone in the league is playing.
I get your point, but you should consider the plus-minus rating for what a guy brings to the team besides just the traditional stats. I think it does a pretty accurate job in the long run of judging the effectiveness of player.
Anytime you use humans to make decisions you are for sure going to be dealing with a bias human brain. Some professionals may very well do a better job then us fans I agree. But NBA players will still get slighted I believe. If it were me, I’d leave it up to statatitions to come up with a formula that combines records, Plus/minus, and traditional stats to pick the top 24 players to compete in the all star game. This way there is a set standard up front that you must meet to be considered one of the top NBA All Stars. There would be much less controversy every year about certain players being snubbed.
However, I also admit that this probably would not be as successful as their current system overall. Im willing to bet ratings would possibly decrease due to less fan participation. So I kind of understand why they do it this way. Me personally, Im a fan of doing things right, all the time. For instance, It annoys me when Jay Bilas complains on television about how long the ref replay reviews take…He whines about how it takes away from the atmosphere of the game…Hes probably right, but I dont care. I want the right call made, and I dont mind waitng a few extra minutes so they get in right.