Recent issues with mobile

Been having some issues with the mobile version of the site recently (Android and Chrome browser).

Sometimes my like/reactions are not registering. Also when trying to view who liked or reacted to a post, it sometimes just doesn’t show at all, or shows a different number, seemingly the reactions to a different post in the thread.

I’ve noticed the above just in the past week or so. Anyone else?

Another thing that seems to be getting worse over the past two weeks are the ads. The site is inundated with frequent ads for me now. Some within the thread itself between comments, such as:

And often I am also getting massive ads that take up the entire screen, such as when viewing a thread and going back to the main forum, sometimes with clicking someone’s profile. Etc. Example from earlier:

Is anyone else experiencing either of these as of late? Thanks


I’ve never seen an ad on this site. My guess is that they go away with a VIP sub.


Thing is, it’s a fairly new issue. Have been here since 2019 like you and this only started recently. Same with the reactions not working or displaying properly.


The big ads started about a month ago for me too. They’re annoying.


Imagine not using dark mode. Embarrassing

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That image is at the bottom of all my posts…

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@Spencer can you look into all this?


I had assumed the big google ads were a choice, but I have had all of the issues mentioned in this thread.

If it is a choice, I’ll still keep coming back. :wink:

Pic should show both the saucy anime ad and bottom edge pop-up.

Likes have also been buggy for me lately. Not sure if anyone else is getting that.


Giant ads, weird ‘like’ behavior, also seems to be having trouble ‘keeping track’ of where I was in a thread (will show me posts I’ve already read as ‘new,’ will take me to a random place in a thread instead of the place where new posts are, etc.).

Glad somebody else mentioned it, was tough following all the exciting news this weekend. I think I even somehow made a post that simultaneously appeared in two different threads (or at least it displayed in two places for me).

Edit: Google Chrome on iOS.


I second all of this

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@itsbhanusharma @Kodie Can you look into these large ads affecting some of the forum members recently on mobile?


I could be totally wrong, but my impression has been that this is maybe partially caused by embedded tweets loading. I’ll click on a thread and it’ll seemingly very briefly take me to the right spot, but then all the embedded tweets up the thread load half a second later and it pushes me up the thread into older posts. I’ve just gotten used to it and scroll down until I get to the new posts but it is a little bothersome. That said, not a huge deal yet for me at least. But might be part of it.


I have experienced all of this as well


Massive temu ads 3 posts apart in the Sharma thread for me just now. And the weird anime ad at the bottom of it.

Can anyone give any feedback on the ads issue? I was told some modifications have been made to make the sizes smaller and less overwhelming.

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some of the issues i was seeing weren’t limited to mobile, also on pc. As of this morning on pc, not seeing the full page ads when switching between threads, but my “likes” aren’t registering - or at least not visibly to me - and occasionally they will register to the wrong post, like a post several above the one I was reacting to

edit: I am 1/2 on seeing my likes register this morning, so it ain’t all bad

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Just got another screen takeover (ad for the Chi) about 30 seconds ago, so still showing up unfortunately.

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I’m also having issues on mobile, for some reason it appears as though Haney hates seafood buffets? That can’t be right…

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Still having all the same issues. There was one day it seemed a bit better but the ads and likes sometimes working / sometimes showing issues are still there.

Another thing I’ve seen a couple times is after making a post, a “shadow” (for lack of a better word) of my exact same post will appear right above the post I just made, identical to what I posted, just in like greyed out / faded font. Stays there until I go back and look again. Kind of hard to explain but if I notice it again, I’ll try to grab a screenshot if I can.