Site Migration

We are currently in the process of migrating to a new platform for the main site, and you may encounter some bugs/other issues in the coming days. If you do find anything that doesn’t seem right, please shoot me (@Spencer) a message and we’ll work on getting it fixed ASAP.

Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned for big things coming!

UPDATE: Please check your email if you are a VIP member. You need to reactivate your accounts after the website move to access the VIP blog area.


noticed I can’t see the forum while on the website on my desktop……but it still pops up on my phone so not an emergency just something I wanted you to be aware if

Same here. No access to forums from the main page.

Hey, Spencer. I never got an email about reactivating my account and was unable to access HGN’s Intel Report from today via the blog. Can you please walk me through the process for the post-migration account reactivation?



@Spencer - me too :person_shrugging:

@Spencer same with me…

@spencer same here

The activation emails are taking some time to deliver automatically so you may not have received them just yet, I can go in and send them manually though, so just shoot me a DM with the email associated with your account!

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my activation email was in my junk folder, even though all others were not from this site…
just for everyones information…