UVA at Clemson thread

This is a reffing disaster


He has such a punchable face

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Yeah the refereeing has been inconsistent and poor
on both ends.

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These refs are terrible.

HAHAHAHAHA way to just step on the line douchebag


JV refs - almost like they have no idea what ACC level contact is

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Got caught looking at the ladies in the front row

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Two bad inside passes in a row by Armaan

Can someone flash a scoring drought graphic up please

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Could’ve used a TO there to settle down

Our defense is just so bad this year

Brutal lineup

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I think we could use a TO here baby.

Remember when we were playing 1pg only and were up 7? I remember :frowning:

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These are the 5 players without 2 fouls

Taine can hit free throws!

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Can Jeff white or one of the media people ask Kody stattman what exactly he does out there?Absolutely zero purpose on his cuts and it’s hot potato or that jabstep bullshit whenever he touches the ball

You can still play them with 2 fouls and like a minute or two left.

I think Clemson also keyed in on the whole just clog the lanes strategy and collapse on the post strategy during their timeout.

No. No you cannot.