I totally agree with that sentiment. Got to go with what got you there. And I hate to see a team try to change their identity midstream. I too have played on too many teams that went conservative early and it bit them.

If you’re scared buy a dog.


I also agree with you guys on the clock burning offense. I actually think we should be the last team in the NCAA to be doing this. We have one of the slowest pace offenses and they are well coached and trained to patiently search out the best offensive shot. So why do we even need to dribble out the shot clock? I think this is a stagey that lacks confidence in our offense. You see the same mentality in football, when the winning team feels like they are just barley hanging on and they dont have the confidence to be aggressive and throw for the first down…So what do they do, they predictably run it three times and punt to a very desperate team that now is paying with 4 downs per every 10 yards. A very dangerous situation for the winning team to put themselves in. This same mentality you can also see in basketball. Your dibbling out the clock, and analytically speaking your going to have a smaller percentage chance of scoring. Not only are the potential opportunities of scoring decreasing by doing this, but the defense also knows exactly when you plan to shoot the ball. There is no element of surprise left.


Completely agree about either feeding Mamadi down low, or going pick and roll at the top of the key with everybody else spread out