UVA Professor Chat

Ha that took me an minute. Also Fresh with hair!


Took that one as well… but not w/ John D’Earth who was the trumpet player if I remember correctly… it was the piano player… I can’t remember his name.

I tried to get him to be my thesis advisor, but he turned me down because he thought MIDI was stupid. Haha!

EDIT: Had to take the class… it’s part of my identity… jazznutUVA and all…


Scott Deveaux. He was great. His Miles Davis impression was hysterical.


My favorite class at UVA was probably History of American Poverty, although unfortunately I think the professor who taught it got a great opportunity somewhere else and left shortly after I took the class.

I remember once we were looking at representations of poverty in popular music and art, and Tom Joad came up. She talked about Grapes of Wrath, Woody Guthrie, Bruce Springsteen, etc., but after class I emailed her to point out that Rage Against the Machine had also done a cover in the late 90’s. Next class when we walk into the lecture hall it is blaring on the speakers. She was great.

Also shoutout to the class I took my last semester after I’d knocked out all my major requirements, which was titled something like Life Beyond Earth. I learned a ton about biology, astronomy, etc., in that class, and it was all presented in the very fun approach of examining the possibility of life existing elsewhere in the universe. Loved that class.


Excited Celebration GIF by Slanted Studios


Makes me think of Cosmology… the gut class I took w/ Colin Ducharme…

From a post I made a while back…


…and? does it?

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Me too, love them! I still have the book of articles, readings too. Became a lifelong lover of jazz and jazz clubs because of that class!


Haha, well, one helpful way to think about its Drake equation. But the likelihood really depends on the values you assign to each of the variables, each one of which require a ton of thought and are subject to a ton of uncertainty.

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The obverse is the Fermi Paradox…

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I started reading and thought you were gonna tell me the rapper Drake figured the shit out!

Im personally with Albert Camus, everything one is a figment of your imagination anyway…

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Ah… my Engineering English class w/ professor Rose Byrne… she told us one day that she didn’t believe we existed unless we were in her classroom… trippy.

She also believed the USA should get rid of their military and be pacifists like Costa Rica did while I was in school…

She also didn’t believe in fate because of hub airports…



She must have used LSD all day. thats hilarious

I had some Ethics class (total gut) and the teacher was young, proly TA, woman who was wild for lack of a better word. In terms of teaching style etc. Was a great class


My bro was an engineering student. Ran into a college Buddy somewhere (maybe an airport), and said “what are the odds” and the buddy’s response was to basically calculate the odds, and tell him it wasn’t that unlikely. Engineers! Can’t live with ‘em, can’t have bridges without ‘em. :wink:


Man, I took Cosmology from Hawley and it was not a gut. I did take ET Gut (Life Beyond the Earth). The class WAS easy but it was still a great class. I didn’t know it was a gut until I looked around the class and saw A LOT of football players.


I was SEAS and somehow avoided Granlund. I had Mark Duva for some classes in the late 80’s and got him to join our IM team after I was done taking his classes. He was a nerdy but nice dude who appreciated some run with the kids.


Now that I have a girl, I can vouch for this. Combing hair, doing braids, cutting nails, etc. much tougher than it looks.


Yep, people thought that joke was funny back then too. :smile:


Gotta play the classics! :wink:


There is so much about college that I’d do much differently if I knew then what I know now. So many opportunities that I could’ve taken advantage of at UVA that I didn’t either appreciate the significance of enough or flat out didn’t know about.