Bennett is starting it off at the Under Armour event in Georgia. First game of the morning he’s watching Texas Impact with Robert Jennings.
Bad screen shot of the live stream but that’s our guy in the blue polo with his arms folded.
Bennett is starting it off at the Under Armour event in Georgia. First game of the morning he’s watching Texas Impact with Robert Jennings.
Bad screen shot of the live stream but that’s our guy in the blue polo with his arms folded.
Free stream or $$$? LOL why am I even asking?
Putting the VIP funds to use this month.
Don’t know much about Robert Jennings other than his composite but is this a kid we might see start to climb rankings?
I mean Jarace Walker was one of the first players we contacted/followed on insta but I have to assume this is a “might as well check him out since no one else is playing at the moment/maybe we discover someone else in this game as well” watch?
There’s an assistant at UAA too. I have no idea which game David is talking about with Walker tho. Either he’s switched teams or the schedule is wrong.
Two words: Slush Fund
Hopefully its being reserved for the right occasions.
No sense wasting it on something worthless like an apple slushie. Hold out for cherry.
I haven’t seen Bennett in 2 sets of UAA games. Could mean he’ll pop up for Bond soon, or he’s just managed to avoid the camera.
That report from David Sisk is right. Team Thrill played Grassroots Sizzle in the 9:15 game. It’s not on the schedule for some reason. UAA also doesn’t have box scores, which is downright pitiful.
Oh F*&^. Really hoping Bond doesn’t blow up with all the coaches there to see Anthony Black. If Duke offerss…
Wonder if Hubert Davis and Tony Bennett will carpool back to the AAU event to see Traudt after
I don’t know which assistants are where right now. Somebody’s in Birmingham. Austin Nunez and Colin Smith in this one.
Traudt plays at 1:15, right?
Isaac^2 plus Bond is my dream '22 recruiting class.
I suppose a really raw project 5 or 4/5 with a lot of potential but everyone was clear would redshirt could be added, but that’d take away from a '23 recruit.
2:15. TB’s headed in that direction I would assume.
Was a close game. As @HoozGotNext said, 3D is probably the best independent aau team with some studs including Anthony Black. Will be interesting if the Bond offer comes in one hours or two (or 4 weeks at our pace).
Hope we get a 5 that’s less of a project. Or just start looking for transfers to fill the post. Starting to be a long gap between Kadin and our next 5 if we don’t take one in 22.
I recognize Izzo with an assistant there on stream. TB is seated right behind Isaac’s team bench.
Wouldn’t mind Kyle Filipowski commiting to duke like now. Leave Traudt alone ugh