2023-2024 College Football

Looks like the same fee for 23-24 and no way to opt out. UBO: Tuition and Comprehensive Fee Breakdown - JMU

Intercollegiate Athletics
Support of the intercollegiate athletic programs for men and women.


Seems absurd to me unless there’s something I’m missing. I love college sports as much as anyone, and I’m not even totally against some much smaller fee - but adding close to $9,400 in tuition to a student’s bill over their four years in college at a state school is totally ridiculous.

I mean seriously - their yearly tuition bill is $23,000. That means 10% of their tuition bill is to support the athletics department? That’s insane. That’s not what a college is for.


Welcome to the absolute racket that is total cost of college today. Rivaled only by the cost of healthcare.


Fueled by… dong get me started here ha

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Today and today only I’m so glad to see BA doing well. He has kicked Tech’s ass.

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What happened to Gibson the WR from GA?

Why did UNC just go for 2? After scoring a TD to cut the lead to 11…they went for 2 to try to cut it to 9? lol They’re teaching that new math in Chapel Hill.

Funny part was they lined up and then called timeout. Made me think they had caught their error…but nope. Attempt failed, btw.

We know the UNC athletes don’t go to class. Apparently, the coaches never did, either.

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Uhhhhh FSU is down 13-0 to North Alabama. No, not Alabama. Not even South Alabama. NORTH Alabama.

Also apparently Jordan Travis is out with a pretty serious leg injury.


Uggh just saw the FSU quarterback injury…would advise not watching it.


I recall one of Mike London’s early QB recruits transferring to North Alabama and starting there for a few years.



The comments….



College football games take too long.

:arrow_up: Me at this time every Sat night.


I completely agree that the JMU fees are beyond the pale (they are about 4x what UVA students pay). As someone who works in higher education, I’m happy to discuss and debate how colleges are funded, but let’s avoid painting all institutions with a broad brush.

In Iowa, the public universities are funded in current dollars by the state at 1999 levels. As you can guess, costs have gone up since then and the universities have been forced to increase tuition.

I can’t imagine what my family would do if my income reverted to what I was earning in 1999 (three years out of college).

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JMU tuition (and tuition support) is terrible. I went there. It was a common refrain. They are terrible at grants and need based loans.

One interesting thing: no one donates to the school despite a lot of good vibes and great experiences. Sort of like they take that $ up front rather than asking post graduation …


Florence and Muscle Shoals rught there



Not surprising, two straight years where Cuse started off great and then completely fell apart in the 2nd half of the season. Wonder where Beck ends up.