2024 Class Reachout day (June 15th 2022)

“It is awesome to get an early offer from Virginia this early in my recruitment process,” he explained. “It is good for me because I feel like it is more of a value offer. Sometimes you will see schools offer a whole bunch of people and just throw offers out left and right.”

I know he probably wasn’t singling out a particular school as loose with offers, but I think we can all picture a particular school this quote applies to.


While I prefer Tony’s approach to the alternative, I do wonder if we’ve lost a recruit or two along the way that we could have a better shot at with an earlier offer. Green this cycle comes to mind.

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It would have had to have been in April for green. Offering him 2-3 weeks before hand wouldn’t have made a difference. Seems like he had Xavier on his mind of a while now and whether the offer came in June or early July it was just going to be a trophy for him.


34 posts were merged into an existing topic: London Johnson Post-Mortem [Recruiting Meta]

Thinks its just going to be an agree to disagree. If he transfers its to go back home closer. I think the not a pg and also not a shooter is moreso the holdback despite the freak athleticism. Tony knows his Wisconsin players. I trust him on that LOL.

This is our next pg.


Well… here are some Isaiah Abraham clips for those who have never seen him play



This is like the Ty Jerome remix tape.


Same name, same insane touch on the floater. Gets around a defender and then slows down to keep the defender behind him like Jerome did. Same range.

I want. Will Isaac M give up #11 though?


Slowing down after getting past someone is so smart. keep their body by you and keep your space between the hoop so the defender cant Cornell Parker you and carch up. from behind cause there is no space…

Its a leverage thing


If Ty Davis committed tomorrow, how confident would you be that he ever played for UVA? The answer can’t be 100%.

So you’re telling me Ty Davis is committing tomorrow??? I’m 99.99% confident that he will suit up for the Cavs then.

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I don’t think he meant Kihei was a negative, but more of an aberration…However even though his ranking was low, he WAS the Peach Jam MVP (Or maybe it was just for the Championship game?)


Yep! I’ve been waiting for the next Ty Jerome for 4-5 years now (It’s all about me :wink: )

Just kinda skimming the board but this jumped out at me and I am pumped:


Kihei tangent thread police swat team inbound



@dave92 - uuhhhhh, I was joking with WFS, but if we can speak it into existence, then I am willing to take credit.


Not 100%, but we haven’t lost many kids who publicly committed. At least recently. Anyone other than SKJ?

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It’s ok, I was joking too :grinning:

It’s not that common in basketball overall. More of a football thing.

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