⛹ Andrew Rohde - Official Thread

Keith Van Horn


I had forgotten this: @DavetheWave

Was this pre-Kidd? (Duh, he’s in the clip. I’m a dummy)

Did he ride his horse to that game? He moves pretty well to be wearing those boots.

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Exactly this. And based on transition from St Thomas to here, he’s almost a redshirt freshman in our system. Still expect him to have some moments this year, then really break out next year.


I just think it’s his playstyle and him learning how to play at UVA.

I think I mentioned it in previous discussion but at St Thomas his ppp on spot up shooting is 0.75 compare to 1.26 on DHO (and our offense is more of the former).

Just looks out of place and recently he’s also playing fearful which is ironically leading to mistakes. It actually reminds me of Jordan Minor at the beginning of the season.

I dont think it’s competition because again he had two of his better games against Creighton and Utah (to the point Creighton was the one tampering/pushing him to the portal lol). To put it bluntly, he’s playing neutered. 25% the system, 75% him trying to feel out the situation and adjusting to the acc, to UVA, and to his role with new teammates.

I also think back to that tweet that was Basically “Rohde is really good on ball but really ass off ball”. I think I mentioned also in the past how Rohde (and Gertrude) would benefit in a more open court offense at times. I think someone else responded “How would that benefit Rohde when he isn’t athletic?”. I feel like he excels well even with his lack of athleticism attacking non-set defenses since he doesn’t have the handle or craftiness to shake his man one on one yet.

He’s show flashes of getting down hill on a close out and even early in the season we ran a few of those villanova post up plays. But we finally found a flow of things with mover blocker and that means at least for this season less Rohde is the move.

I do get why Tony was trying him out for 30 minutes a game, especially with the plus/minus/ team play when he was on early in the season despite the individual stats. It was ironically the opposite of Tony’s set the floor approach; he was trying to get to the ceiling with Rohde. But Taine is what sets the floor.

(lol so many of these shots he’s not even looking to shoot here and with open space)


At St Thomas the offense was built to feature him. At UVA, his job is to fit into an established offense with more veteran (system and career) playmakers around him. No surprise that’s an adjustment for a young player.


The shooting splits the video shows

1.26 ppp on Dribble hand offs
1.23 ppp on transition offense
0.75 ppp spot up shooting
0.71 ppp on isolation plays
0.77 ppp on ball screen handler

Feels like even adjusting for the adjustment period, the two things he does well are the last two of the 5 categories that we encounter in our offense.

Still very high on Rohde long term. But it’s clear he needs to develop a lot of the off ball scoring. I do hope the confidence at least returns somewhat this season. That in itself can go a long ways.

I also do wonder if Rohde would have benefitted from a 5th year Armaan Franklin easing him in.


Just looks to me like he can’t shoot. The shots he is missing are wide open (invited by the defense) without much of a close out to worry about. Even below average shooters like Kihei were much better.

I think that’s psychological. He was one of the best 3pt shooter on peach jam his last high school season. And had extended month long streaks of being above 40% from 3. He dipped midseason last year but the tail ends of the seasons he was really good from 3.

I think he’s just more comfortable shooting off a hand off than standing in the corner. The openness is kinda irrelevant. Hell some would argue modern shooters are better with someone closing out on you. It’s the Casey Morsell effect kinda.


Yeah I mean it’s very obviously confidence and comfort. We have clear tape of him being able to shoot at the college level and high school level.

Casey Morsell same story his first year. (edit: @Hooandtrue had it first. same brain)

I looked like I couldn’t shoot for a year after a knee injury and then all of a sudden I could again. It’s not a gimmick that mental hurdles are a thing that impact how you move and operate on the court, down to mechanical stuff.


I just think some players have difficulty shooting in Tony’s system. It takes a toll and creates a lot of shot pressure mentally.



This video shows Rohde’s game vs Oral Roberts and Max Abrams. Notice both threes in the clips are dribble hand offs and quick releases. It’s also like Ryan Dunn shooting really well as the shot clock is about to expire as opposed to him winding up with time and air balling LOL


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You dont wanna know what Eli’s BBIQ was at Peach Jam bro

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Playing time-wise, I think TB has been adjusting things too in a way that seems to be working out.

Miami (16 mins):

  • Plays first stint in the first half, we don’t look good.
  • We make a run with him out, going with Dunn at the 3, and Dante in the Reece bench minutes.
  • TB decides to close with Taine instead of him.
  • He starts second half, we push the lead out in the stint, so he gets a second stint when IMac and Reece get some rest.
  • We go -1 in that stint, so it’s back to starters to see us into garbage time.

Clemson (20 mins):

  • His first two stints goes OK for the team, then we get into the Groves zone, so he makes a cameo to get Groves some rest before the end of the half.
  • TB goes hot hand and starts the Dunn at 3 for the second half, so he comes off the bench for a long stretch before giving way to the big lineup for closing time.

Notre Dame (12 mins):

  • Gets a stint at the start of each half (first half stint goes better than the second) then sits as TB leans more on Taine and Dante.

It takes time. Devon Hall comes to mind.

You can’t watch Rohde and not think he’s in his head. Especially as he passes up some of the looks he’s getting. It’s like I can feel the lack of sureness emanating from my TV screen.

(And to be fair, some people identify this as part of Tony’s “system.” I think that’s sort of right, sort of not. But definitely a result of something Virginia-specific. On the coaches to get him back to where he needs to be. I like the minutes distribution we’re seeing now given his lack of confidence.)


I dont even care if a guy passes up open shots so much. But what gets me is catching and not even looking the direction of the basket

Is very correctable


Id rather Rohde airball then what he is currently doing.


Devon is an interesting comparison. Was kinda the “don’t F#@% stuff up and make sure you play defense” guy in 2015-16, which makes sense when you have Brogdon, Gill, Tobey to take shots, London to playmake. Works better when you’re hitting some 3s. But we probably need more of the “try stuff and maybe F#@% up” guy (the Shayok, if you will) when Reece is on the bench (and maybe even when he’s not).


He looks so much thinner and quicker in those clips. I wonder if he’s bulked up too much maybe. He looks much slower now. But that could just be decisiveness.


For sure. But I also think that’s part of the confidence thing to. He’s not looking, and when he is, he looks shaky as hell.

Honestly I’d rather have him occupy the role of back up initiator who is a little reckless than for Dante to have that role (if it was an either / or choice).

Either way, how the minutes are shaking seem good for now.

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