Having issues with VIP access? Info here

I logged out, changed passwords, logged back in, and now I can see it.

P. S. Forgot to mention I put on my lucky socks first.

HOWEVER: the other VIP threads still appear to be off limits.

Back in business now. Thanks

Hot damn, can see both now. Thank you!

I’m back in too. Thanks!

VIP is back on for everyone here! Im still working through some users but majority should now have access if they still have an active subscription!

If you still don’t have VIP and think you should please DM me or comment on this thread.


I’m fixed! Thanks!

A little late to the party but I can’t view that link, although I have access to the VIP boards.

Please click the account button in the header to log in on https://virginia.lockerroomaccess.com/.

Tried logging out and back in and still can’t access VIP.

@Hoos9412 You should be good to go now.

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VIP issue seems to be back again.

@trickswan is it the VIP Blogs or forum as well?
I tested the VIP Video Blog. Looks like you need to click account to make sure you are logged in…than click blog and the link there…see if that works

It’s the forum. And, yes, I’m logged in.

I’m affected too. Logged in and using the LRA Android app.

Apologies again…I know this is frustrating. We’re trying our best to sort it out…


Having an issue with the blog, not the forum. Definitely logged in.

Just as a flag, just got like 15 notifications that the system had added me as a VIP. So it’s working through something in a strange way


I’m back, baby! Thanks, @Merch and the LRA team.

@VIP So sorry for the annoying emails! We are working through our API connection still that links to your subscription. Hoping these will be resolved in the next 24 hours.