⛹ Jalen Warley - Official Thread

Perry, Warley, Dell’Orso, Buchanan and… Gertrude? We calling him a wing?



Yep. I’m not sure we should think in SG/SF, but just refer to them as wings.

I’m even of the opinion if we get Dell’Orso I’d be ok not taking another F. In the 1 PG/1 C/3 wing concept, just make sure one of Warley or Dell’Orso play. Would also allow us to play Cofie some if we do have situations where we need a more true 4.

I didn’t see that at all from the clips I watched.


Sure but can he do it against P6 athletes. iMac is a better athlete than Sharma and a better shooter, and he struggles at time to get his own shot.


Dell’Orso at UW today - [EDIT: oops, I’m getting portal brain freeze I guess - it’s Saunders at UW today, not Dell’Orso - thanks Timmons below] - and it’s opening day of boating season with college and international crew races and all sorts of other stuff - lots of it very cool - going on right by the UW boating center. Very big deal out here and a much more diverse crowd and much more diverse activity than say, Foxfield for instance.

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You mean Saunders?


:100::100::fire::fire:. The stans been outta control. Great stuff, Pride!


Funny lol cuz I’m pretty sure they probably played together during Barnes’ lone season at FSU. He’s become a beast with the Raptors.


Nah Warley came in the year after Barnes left. I remember cause Barnes was a 2020 recruit and Warley was 2021.

Barnes is a dude, would love to have a guy like him on our team. Bryson Tiller in 2025 pls.


I’ve finally sold myself on Warley. He’s a strong physical player who plays great defense which helps with that need.Not only do we need scores but we also need good defenders. We lost the 2 best defenders in the country so we need both.
Im hopeful that with one year left to play that he won’t hold Gertrude back. Tony better handle this carefully. Warley does give us a toughness that we haven’t had in a while. Let’s go get Perry and a stretch 4. Actually 2 forwards who can score. Damn we need an awful lot. There’s a lesson in all of this and i hope the staff realizes it as well.I want to get back to being a top team and teams fearing us again

Edit: I still have a bone to pick with Warley

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We’ve never lost a guy because he was impressed with another school’s coxswain but there’s a first time for everything


Let’s go!! Great news - just seeing it now. I think we will like him a lot on both sides of the ball. I am all in because of his length and positional malleability. A good day for the Hoos!


I think Warley will exceed the mild expectations set here. Think Braxton Key level impact. Kid has great size, is tough and can create. Don’t really care about the lack of shot. He can be a multi positional Swiss Army knife in our system. I think he’ll be a major piece next year.


lol that guy has 106 followers and is a 21 year old college student at Northwest Missouri University.


Don’t disrespect the Bearcats


Warley can work if we add the right other pieces and depending on how he is used. You land Perry and Power, then we have 3-4 high level shooters on the squad. Warley can then be the versatile defender, secondary ball handler and attack the rim due to the shooters spreading out the floor.

One think I do like is that he’s a good rebounder. I think he can be our “defensive” 4 man, and he can play wing or guard.

In isolation though, he doesn’t solve our #1 issue, scoring points. Sometimes defense cannot stop a hot team. We had a fabulous D in 2019, but it was the offense that won the tourney for us.

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I wouldn’t call him a good rebounder by any stretch. I could maybe concede good OR for a guard.

His OR% was 4.5 and his DR% was 7.9 last year. That DR% is horrible and below all of our guards which ranged from Rohde at 8.7% up to Gertrude at 13.6%.

The OR% is much better than our guards who were in the 1% range. He’s in line with Groves, but less than half what our other bigs gave us.

I’m more convinced by versatility arguments, but I still don’t like him taking time from Gertrude, Bliss, Perry, or Taine who, in the age of transfers, worked and waited and really showed out the last several games of the season.


That’s a very good breakdown! I was just going on is 7+ rebounds a game. Unfortunately, our scheme doesn’t provide much opportunity for offensive rebounds.

Oops - portal brain freeze :slight_smile:

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