⛹ Leon Bond - Official Thread

Do we have any efficiency data on the inside triangle offense? To my only watching live eye it has been clearly our worst offense so far this year. Would be surprised if it’s not below 1 PPP

I feel like every time I’ve seen Leon catch the ball on the perimeter, he’s trying to pass it off as quick as he can.

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Minor quibble, but I think he said he’s “comfortable” shooting threes and wants to, not that he’s good at it. I’m guessing he doesn’t have the green light (unless of course it’s very late in the shot clock).


Thats fair. So if he’s “comfortable” shooting 3’s, then I wonder how he’d describe his current shooting/slashing/dunking in the post?

Have we seen Leon pass any open 3s up? I havent noticed but he may have???

He’s not really seeking them out, from what I’ve noticed


Thats how I have seen it. Dude just hunting tip jams and we love it


I made this (bad) joke the other day, but Leon got the Wisconsin big man training, through some madcap mix-up. Somewhere in Wisconsin, there’s some corn-fed dude with Tight End proportions who’s balling in some NAIA game, over-dribbling and taking heat check, step-back threes. Will make a hilarious movie someday.


It’s also been our least utilized. I don’t have the stats, but I’d agree/wouldn’t be surprised when used with our standard personnel.

I’d kind of like it to be our “Leon Bond” offense. When he’s on the floor at the 3, we bust it out, when he’s out, we use Flow > Wide-Sides.

Not sure CTB will ever be so player specific like that - but it did feel intentional when he was in the game on Tuesday. I don’t think it really offers many advantages over our other offenses other than a change of pace except when Bond is playing at SF, in which case I think there’s real opportunity there.


In TB’s post NC A&T press conference, someone (@brogdonfanpage maybe?) asked him about inside triangle getting Bond into the mid-post, and he brought up defenses switching against them and used the term “personnel-based offense” for the inside triangle.


I love that.


Don’t rmember if someone posted this yesterday or not. If not,



Fun facts!

Bond is currently:

  • 3rd on the team in FGA
  • 3rd on the team in REB
  • 4th on the team in Steals (Beekman = Dunn > Harris > Bond)
  • leading the team in FGM
  • leading the team in FG% (followed closely by, you guessed it, Taine Murray)
  • 8th in minutes played
  • Is a member, along with Groves and Dunn, of the “1 TO club”

0-0 3P, only 1 assist through 4 games, the bulk of those stats accumulated against Tarleton State, NC A&T, and Texas Southern. Rooting for the guy, believe in the guy, but still need to see more. Big opportunity for him next week, especially if Isaac is still out or even just limited.


Yup - 4 Power 6 or Power 6-ish (SMU) teams coming up. We will know more after that what we can expect from him, and more importantly, what Tony expects from him.


Oh, sure. But the bulk of everybody’s stats so far are against those 3 teams. I’m sure he’ll both cool off and see reduced minutes, but its crazy how well he’s doing, right?


Never change.


Per 100 possessions …
UVA Ranks
1st in Scoring
4th in Defensive Rating
3rd in Offensive Rating
3rd in Fewest turnovers
2nd Offensive Rebound % (to Minor)
3rd in Assist %
4th in Effective FG % (Taine is 1st)

I think the fact that Taine is fourth in EFG% and Minor is first in OR% shows the danger of relying too much on these statistics. But count me among those who would love to see Bond play more.