Thank you to Sponsors Reines & Rogers and NEW Sponsor Dealiyo!

If you love UVA sports, make sure you checkout our sponsors who support the community of UVA.

Reines and Rogers
Where Charlottesville gets Engaged!
Ask for Kevin or Jess (Tell them LRA sent you)
240 Twenty-Ninth Place Court
Charlottesville, VA 22901

Where NIL Deals get Made
A new platform to make NIL Deals and contracts.


Small tip for advertisers: be sure to include a brief description of your business. Not living in Cville, I had no idea whether Reines & Rogers was a law firm, a BBQ joint, or a jeweler. (“Jeweler” is the correct answer.)


“Jeweler” is too light a term… Reines and Rogers is where Charlottesville gets engaged.


I was confused at first due to the existing ads issue. Saw this immediately as I opened the thread

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Every ad helps us give back…

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@Merch no issue at all with monetizing the site, totally understandable, but from this thread we are under the impression that these big ads from temu and wherever else are not intentional. Is that not the case? Jazz has been tagging Spencer and Kodie and other admins to work on the issues in this thread


Maybe I shouldn’t wade in here, but I got the opposite impression from reading those same posts. The ads are intentional and they tried something to make them a little less intrusive.


IDK, not the impression I got. But if that’s the case, it hasn’t changed at all.

I’m not trying to hijack this thread so if someone wants to split this and the other ad related posts into the thread I linked above, fine by me.

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We’ve added Google Adsense on the platform and have had some issues with implementation. I’ll see where we are with fixing these…