🌎 Travel Discussion

So the lever is actually the trading desk at the New York Fed which , my understanding is, used to be quite impressive. But now the trading desk is significantly less fun since a lot of the people who work it WFH now


And that operation used to employee lots of people. Also lotta gold under that building (i heard)


Yes, I’ve toured the gold vault. It is amazing

Best fun fact, there is a basketball court in the top floor


On the topic of travel, with a three month old we aren’t going anywhere too far too soon. Goal right now is just to get her to enjoy being outside. We are having mixed success thus far.

But we are thinking of trying to go somewhere overseas before she is walking and such since that’ll actually probably be harder when she’s into toddler stage. So have been looking at places within a reasonable flight of the eastern seaboard. We shall see.


Arby’s with a side trip to Cookout.


“Potted plant” stage ftw.

When older daughter was 3 months old, we went to Martha’s Vineyard for a week. While there, we signed up for a fancy 5-course dinner at the Beach Plum Inn. Hauling daughter along with us.

Got some horrified looks by servers, but daughter just slept in car seat the entire meal and only started waking up as we were paying the check. Was perfect.

If she’d been 2, even thinking of doing something like that would have been sheer insanity. But until 4-6 months, its very doable.


If you need recs for places to stay or go in either Edinburgh or Dublin let me know. Already saw some great ones that I’ll second. If you want a different tourist experience visit Kilmainham Gaol it’s a jail turned museum that has a ton of history and direct ties to the troubles. A great wait to experience.


Amelia Island (Ritz / on someone else’s dime!) first week of June

Family trip to Denver area later in the summer.

Topsail Island every other weekend (there now!)


I’m going to Germany… yeah, you can close your mouth because I know how shocked are at this moment.


Got a few business trips lined up. Az in May Denver for a few days in Aug.

As mentioned I’ll be in Columbus Ga for a cple days in June for Georgia’s Strongest Man and then off to the beach for a week thinking Tybee

There are also rumblings of a beach trip to the OBX but we shall see. Also have a few other work trips likely but nothing exciting


Haven’t been to OBX in a long time (maybe ten years or so) but I used to love a place called Duck pizza - no idea what its deal is these days


I haven’t been since I was a kid. But moms wants to do a beach trip with the grandkids and that be about halfway.


The first time I went when I was kid, we stopped here on the way and I was obsessed with it for years.


Couple road trips (June and probably August) from Cville to the Buffalo burbs, where my GF’s fam lives. Weather up there is super nice in the summer, close to Niagara Falls which is amazing, Lake Erie, etc. Looking forward to it


Going to OBX in May. My wife’s older brother lives in Buxton as does his son and family. Various small trips throughout the summer and I’ll be going to Europe late August thru mid September to to the Tour Du Mont Blanc. That’s a 108 mile hike around the MB massif over 11 days. I’ll spend a couple of days in Geneva before the hike.


Never been to OBX and seems ok. Fresh is big time beach snob having lived in Salvador Bahia Brasil for 4 years. Just dont appreciate beaches on the US east coast … or west!


OBX is just a lovely family friendly place. Also, if you like the inland waterways, it is incredibly. I used to go paddle boarding in the little waterways. The whole area is basically held together by treees. Just a super unique ecological environment. But the sand is not white and the waves are not big

Coolest beaches I’ve ever seen were on the Oregon coast - peregrine falcons and huge seastacks. Highest quality I’ve seen were in Puerto Rico probably.


I loved Floripa. Absolutely gorgeous.


I never been there. Only lived in north east of Brasil where it is always nice

But I know people love Florianopolis

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Puerto Rico proper beaches are awful. Vieques and whatever the other island is are great. Esmeralda?

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