That didn’t take long. After struggling with 3 weak teams, getting outclassed by Purdue, a beatdown from Tenn, and a less than impressive showing against UNC-Ashville at home, the natives are restless. And some predicting a 25 point loss to Michigan and proclaiming the program is the new next Indiana.
They are at each others throats over the hire of Hubert Davis over Wes Miller. To add gas to the fire Wes Miller is getting it done at Cincy . Stay tuned this is getting good …
I wonder about buyers remorse for Justin. McKoy with seven minutes and zero points vs. UNC Asheville. Disappointed that he left and disappointed for him for the role he has thus far. Would have been such an important piece for the Hoos.
I don’t think the role he wants exists at a high-major NCAAT caliber team.
He could be the offensive focal point for a mid-major or bad P5 level program. Or a role player on a more talented roster. He’s not going to be the focal point on a contender.
I think this is the situation he’s facing. He’s not a 3 at the Power 5 level. The skill set isn’t there. As far as buyers remorse? I don’t follow any UNC boards (why would I) but I have to assume he wasn’t high on their priority list of prospects for the year. So doubt they are losing any sleep over him.
Buyers remorse for coaching? From the outside UNC is about where they should be given the performance of the players last year and the quick transition to a new coaching regime. I agree with the sentiment that they likely would have been better going outside the UNC Coaching tree. But the roof is far from collapsing in just now. I wouldn’t take the ton from any teams message board as an accurate temperature gauge. Look no further than any of the game threads on this board as an example.
Honestly, their fans seem just like everyone else’s. There’s a vocal minority on fan sites who are complaining about their slow start, including not making “obvious” adjustments to who’s getting playing time and to offensive and defensive schemes. The blame is variously and cumulatively placed on hiring Davis, recent recruiting, and players not developing as expected. Except for the disgruntlement over a new coaching hire, it sounds kind of familiar. I think most UNC fans, including several in my own family who went to UNC, are willing to see what happens as this season and the next few play out before passing judgment on Davis.
And I suspect that there are a lot of fans who haven’t come to grip with the issues facing most teams this year. Theoretically, there are 4,654 Div 1 basketball scholarships available each year. Last year, 1,728 players, according to VerbalCommits, entered the transfer portal. That’s over 37% of scholarship players. I don’t believe people have yet realized the disruption to continuity that that has produced. Among other things, last night was the first time this year that Virginia looked like they were playing as a team as opposed to five guys on the floor wearing the same color uniforms. At least, that was my impression. Judging a coach’s performance after six games in these circumstances would suggest a complete disregard of present realities. In addition, I doubt that we have seen the last of the WTF moments in college ball this year. I suspect it’s going to be a “two steps forward; one step back” kind of season. In UNC’s case, it’s worth remembering that Dean Smith was 8 - 9 in his first year at Carolina, and that Matt Doherty was 26 - 7 in his inaugural season there. Nothing can be said of Coach Davis’ abilities yet.
Don’t think they’ll fall that far, but this isn’t like UNC getting a “do over” from Roy Williams when they screwed up the Doherty hire.
The kids coming up today never saw Jordan play…some of that shine is gone versus almost 20 years ago. UNC is still a legendary program, but today’s kids measure success as much by who you’re putting in the NBA as banners…that’s UK & Duke, not UNC. Heck, UVa has put as much talent in the NBA as UNC the last few years. There’s also no proven alum waiting in the wings, like Roy. UNC is OK now, but 4-5 years of mediocre could change that. Davis was a risky move.
Heh true, I’d hesitate to pile the dirt on UNC’s grave just yet. They’ve had enough success in the past few years, and have a few NBA guys logging big minutes to keep the image clean. And you can never under estimate the power of having the face of basketball as part of your program. The kids today never say Jordan, but I bet you 90% of them wear Jordan’s. Hell you could argue that Jordan’s UNC tape isn’t even that great, not when compared to what he became a few yrs later in the NBA.
Their Dads and/or coaches are more impressed by that. I have teenagers…to hear them and their friends talk, MJ isn’t the mythical figure he was even 10 years ago. Dude is almost 60 now. Kids today measure him against Lebron, and MJ usually doesn’t come out ahead in those discussions. It’s hard for guys like me (in my late 40’s) to wrap my head around that, but times change.
Being Duke’s rival might seriously be the best recruiting tool for UNC. Getting mentioned in the same breath every time. The way ESPN hypes those matchups. Most of these kids would rather play in that game than the ACC championship. And why wouldn’t they, it gets more attention.
I mean who wouldn’t want to play in a game that essentially blacks out an entire network with wall to wall coverage. Even the Super Bowl can’t claim that.
These next few years will be very interesting. Will Davis/Scheyer get the same hype as K/Roy? We’ll see if that matchup is as marquee 4-5 years from now. By that time, Tony Bennett will be the undisputed measuring stick of all ACC coaches.