Well it appears UNC fans are having buyers remorse

I wish the young man well … But yea it does seem to be the end of the bench so far.

To me, McKoy leaving was whatever. He had his reasons and maybe we disagree with them or think they weren’t the best reasons, but it’s his life. The comments on the way out weren’t great but it’s not like if he didn’t say that stuff out loud, we’d all still be his fans and supporters or anything.

He left the program. I don’t wish him well or ill. Don’t wish him good luck or bad. I don’t think about him at all unless he’s playing against us and then I’d wish him the same fate as I’d wish anyone else dressed in Carolina blue.


With you - don’t care one way or the other about UNC bench warmers and walk on.

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UNC stomped by Ky. Just roll the ball out. No system street ball. No screens, no cuts, and no plan. The defense looks no better. Some UNC fans are calling Hubert Davis a mistake and a one and done coach.

I’m far from convinced Davis was the right hire, but they have started with a pretty tough schedule, and have several key new pieces.


There is no system. There is no identity on offense or defense. It’s YMCA ball ala Sidney Lowe. The ceiling is low unless you can cover it up with elite recruiting …

@DFresh did Hubert learn his coaching from the Pete Gillen school of playcalling?

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Man its baffling to me. The guy came up with great coaching and has been around the greats. Not sure whats going on there. He and I went to Coach Smiths camp together in HS and he was one of the most fundamentally sound guys I had ever seen.

Sidenote: Clifford Rozier and Ganon Baker were on my team that week for people who know those names


I mean, it’s also Davis’ first season. He deserves a little more time before people start concluding he can’t coach. It’s not like we were killing it Tony’s first year (although you could definitely see the identity he wanted to move us towards). Unless they just crater our, a guy with the respect he has should be given at least two to three years.


That’s the problem. Hubert Davis so far has displayed no identity at all. With Tony it was plain from the ouset that he had a system and he would recruit to it and be successful.

HD has not displayed any kind of identity and UNC fans recognize it. He will never last 3 yrs if his strategy is NBA street ball.