Well it appears UNC fans are having buyers remorse

Yes - that was what I meant - they went to practice and to their room - that was it.

No wonder last year’s team just looked like they wanted it to be over.

Well, Justin is the one player who got covid at the most critical time of the year and ended our acc run and all but ended our ncaa run. And then he left. My sympathies lie elsewhere.


Our players were not quarantining by ACC tournament time. Literally could have been anyone getting Covid

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what a goombah statement


Is Justin italian? Am I? It was a somewhat mean spirited statement but yes, as I said and implied twice, I have no sympathy for his actions and his decision—and the consequences. As highlighted elsewhere he told the coaches he was returning and then walked out a few days later so we had to scramble. Not impressed by Justin’s decision making. Doesn’t mean he needs to be, um, tarred and feathered but im much more sympathetic to someone like morsell who made a far more rational decision imo.


I hadn’t heard the bit about him telling the coaches he was coming back. Is that reported somewhere? I just must have missed it.

Secondary to that though, unless some reporting has come out that he did something reckless, I think it’s not right to blame him for getting COVID. It could have been anyone.


No it was him. Per Jim Boheim when it was noted that the person who tested positive for Covid *did check into the game but played less than 15 minutes. At first we thought it was Casey, but there was something else that came out that said it had indeed been Justin.


Justin also missed the Ohio game. It was definitely him.


Yeah, we know it was definitely Justin. I think @MaineWahoo was saying that while we know it was Justin, it could have easily happened to someone else, instead (e.g., Kadin said he he tested positive shortly after the season).


Yeah, that’s exactly what I meant. We know it was Justin, but we have no idea whether he was doing anything more reckless than any other player. He may have just been unlucky (has happened to tons of responsible folks over the last 1.5 years). Being upset with him for it seems misguided unless somebody knows he was out at a house party or something. That’s all I’m saying.


Someone brought up how covid was tough on the players last year. Fair enough. But the fact that Justin had the bad luck or bad judgement to get it at the worst time for his team could have, at the margin, encouraged him to stick with his teammates. Instead he reneged on his stated desire to be back, went to a rival school, made some less than flattering comments on the way out re his fit with our style of play as he seems to envision himself as a true 3, and now finds himself buried on the bench. He made his bed…


Fair enough, and I don’t feel the need to tell anybody how they should feel about a player that transferred out. The “uncaged” comments I think rubbed a lot of us the wrong way. I was really just commenting on the blaming of him for the COVID situation. Yeah it happened to him, but probably could have happened to anyone. Everything else, definitely fair game.


So Justin McKoy made a decision to de-commit from Penn State and we all rejoiced. It did not work out FOR HIM at Virginia and he left. He’s a kid, with huge pressure and serious decisions to make at a young age. Good or bad, he lives with those decisions and we, as fans, should let him run his road in life, thank him for his contributions to the school we love, and wish him well.


I agree it was his decision to make. And there could be any number of reasons why he transferred. But if it was purely a basketball move then it is a fail considering he barely got 1 minute verses Furman.

But hey … He is playing the 3 position


I was cool doing so until he slaughtered our recruiting by posting an Instagram with a vague reference to a “Mr. Brightside” lyric


Is that what unc calls the end of the bench?

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I wish him well but the cage comment changed my opinion of him

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He’s a young guy. Young guys say stupid stuff on social media…doesn’t mean they’re (necessarily) bad people. That comment did make him a very easy target for message board jokes at his expense though, given his current circumstances.


I’m a little torn on the subject of whether old men like me should talk shit about 18-22 year old kids on internet message boards….but I guess where I come out is if he’s old enough to vote or die face down in the muck in nam then he’s old enough to be held accountable for his decisions. I made plenty of bad decisions at the same age and nobody on any message board is sticking up for me. I’ve just had to deal with everything and move on best I could.

I don’t actually wish anything bad on the guy, but if it’s ok to hate Laettner because he went to duke when he was the same age, then it’s ok to rag on a guy a little if he treacherously transfers to our arch rival. Now let’s be clear, laettner was an epic douche bag and is possibly the worst human being since genghis khan but then again at least he didn’t torture innocent puppy dogs like Michael Vick. Anyway, I kinda stick with the concept that when mckoy chose unc he became the enemy and he’s fair game same as any other guy on unc or duke. Doesn’t make him a bad guy, just makes him them not us.