More info to come, but for those in the Virginia Sports Radio network, you’ll be able to listen live.
We’ll still have everything available on Apple, Spotify, and wherever you listen to podcast, but now it’s on the Radio too.
We’ll likely run Tcov and Hawk during football season, and we’ll have JWILLY show during the Basketball season along with new content that we’re working on. Starting in April, we’ll mix in off season updates and catch up with players around the league and life.
We’ll have plenty of Forum Shoutouts on the Radio, so be on the lookout.
And a BIG thanks to our faithful listeners and Forum participants - we couldn’t have done it without you. You guys are as a big a part of this as anyone - SO THANK YOU!! Go ‘Hoos!
We have enrolled Fresh in an intensive, in-patient anti-swearing program. He will be near Blacksburg for 30 days at the lock-down facility- it’s right next to the animal testing farm and the Virginia Tech Bass Fishing fitness center. He has asked for privacy during this difficult time.
He’s going to have to submit his JWilly questions of the week in writing a day before the show so they can be edited and asked by someone else… haha. But congrats! Big news!