2023 Off-Season Basketball - Outside UVa

Very much agree. Was just given this training through work (work doesn’t relate to it at all - they just offer it for employees who are interested). Only thing that’s hard is that when you don’t practice at all, feels like after 6 months it’s hard to remember the specifics. But at least some will be retained, and that’s better than nothing.


Seems meh


I wouldn’t say it’s totally meh.

K was…especially towards the end…very hire within the family focused.

This could signal the start of Scheyer creating his own brand.

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That’s fair. I just meant like this hire doesn’t seem like a home run. Seems like Dildy has a fine record of recruiting kids but he’s not a hotshot

True, but recruiting with the Duke brand behind him can move someone from the good category, to hotshot.


I worked in the Admissions Office as a student… I remember seeing admissions records of athletes that said (1 - Football Player - Accepted)… as an aside, if you or I got a 1 grade… we would be rejected.


As a USAFA ALO… I can vouch for athletes not getting super preferential treatment, but they get a little…


This is technically recruiting but didn’t feel right for the live period topic; saw a couple of stories about the recruiting calendar today.

Coaches getting burnt out:

Recruiting calendar changes:


I think changes to the recruiting calendar, especially around the portal open/close are probably inevitable, and will help a bit (e.g., from 60 days to 30 days), but you see less conversation around changing the staffing approach and the rules around staffing. Now that there are 5 assistants, why not let only 3 at a time be out recruiting, rather than 3 total? Why not create something more akin to a GM position, with staff, so that the coaches don’t have as much on their plate? (e.g., let them do more of the portal scut work stuff)

Some of this stuff is rules-based / rules-forced, and some of it is simply the fact that a lot of these guys are workaholics and control freaks** and they want rules to save themselves from themselves (which I understand, tbh …)

** maybe Bill Self’s / Norm whatshisname’s experience last year is instructive? He wasn’t allowed out for a few live periods, and it seemed KU did just fine, right?

Those are mostly good changes. They did eliminate one spring live period is my only gripe. From 2 in April to 1 in May. But spring isn’t nearly as valuable as July anyway. And as the article mentions I’ll be curious if one of those July live periods is just the NCAA Academy. Devil is in the details there. While this year’s was much improved, that’s not the same as a genuine AAU period.

The problem with the recruiting calendar is that it’s gotten to be too much of nothing. Coaches really only care about the AAU live periods. If you ask them about eval time, that’s all they’ll mention. But by having all this other stuff, it forces them to go. They have to babysit their recruits.

The best part of this week’s NCAA Academy occurred by accident. They added the AAU part, which is where all the coaches were. And because there was no 17U division, coaches didn’t need to babysit recruits. They actually got to evaluate 16U kids.


Here are the (proposed) calendar changes from Norlander’s article

@HoozGotNext any effect from making July either dead or eval periods? (rather than some “quiet” periods mixed in). Tbh, I forget what quiet means? Can coaches still reach out / text / call, etc., or no?

What is a contact period?

During a contact period a college coach may have face-to-face contact with college-bound student-athletes or their parents, watch student-athletes compete and visit their high schools, and write or telephone student-athletes or their parents.

What is an evaluation period?

During an evaluation period a college coach may watch college-bound student-athletes compete, visit their high schools, and write or telephone student-athletes or their parents. However, a college coach may not have face-to-face contact with college-bound student-athletes or their parents off the college’s campus during an evaluation period.

What is a quiet period?

During a quiet period, a college coach may only have face-to-face contact with college-bound student-athletes or their parents on the college’s campus. A coach may not watch student-athletes compete (unless a competition occurs on the college’s campus) or visit their high schools. Coaches may write or telephone college-bound student-athletes or their parents during this time.

What is a dead period?

During a dead period a college coach may not have face-to-face contact with college-bound student-athletes or their parents, and may not watch student-athletes compete or visit their high schools. Coaches may write and telephone student-athletes or their parents during a dead period.

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Didn’t have time to read all of this just now. I will, but I did put a short article in the NIL thread regarding legislation sponsored by Sens. Tuberville and Manchion that addresses some of these issues; specifically NIL in recruiting, especially new rules regarding transfers.

I have seen interviews of Scott Drew who has been very vocal about the stress on coaches in the current recruiting environment. It’s a shame because we do not want to lose young talent or the more experienced of the group…like Tony; don’t really want to see a premature retirement there.

Eval periods are the live periods. Quiet period means visits are allowed. They’ve gone back and forth on whether recruits can visit during the live periods. And then over the last few years they’ve changed the very end of July from dead to quiet, iow allowing visits.

It’s all pretty meaningless to be honest.


Does this partially explain the recent surplus of offers?

Seems without as much spring eval time, a team like Uva should offer more coming out of the previous summer, babysit/close recruits, and then reset in July?

Not terribly different in the past other than doing more work with u16 to set the table earlier and push with/chase those priority targets rather than evaluate in the spring?

Tony’s sniper te… I mean the UVA basketball outreach coordinator needs to do something about this video circulating


For the video


This is from a women’s coach but the same thing applies, minus the non-contact part which is exclusively a thing in women’s basketball. Nobody knows what the rules are anymore. I’ve seen reports of a few recruits taking visits this week during the Academy “live period”. Not that it makes any real difference but I don’t think most coaches realized that was allowed. I didn’t.

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For some reason I watched this three times. All I can think of when Steph mentions VA Tech and the ACC is the expression on his face when Reece :bangbang: dunked the fuck out of the ball at the end of the first half when we played Tech at home last season.


101 things from the offseason. Mostly coaching carousel and player movement:


(that website reminds me of something I really like about LRA, which is easy loading, no ads, and very clean look. CBS Sports and SI are two websites which are the opposite of all those things)