⛹ Elijah Gertrude - Official Thread

His On/Off offense though :eyes::eyes::eyes:


Stay on topic! (but yes)

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Especially Ryan Dunn skipping and leaping in joy after making a play, alleyoop or someone else making a dunk lol.


Fine, fine. My on-topic thought is that defensive box plus-minus has some blind spots with good positional defenders, and is influenced too much by individual defensive rebounding percentage, which has low analytic value IMO (defensive rebounding is a team stat).


A big red flag for me is Rohde’s free throw attempts (FTA) at this point in the season. He has 10 FTA in 496 minutes. It speaks directly to his lack of offensive aggression. For a more recent statistic, he has 1 FTA in his last 201 minutes. That’s staggeringly low.

Not a great comparison, but a fun one. Grant Kersey had 5 FTA in 19 mins.

Taine has 10 FTA in 199 mins. Elijah has 10 FTA in 111 minutes. And even Dante has 15 FTA in 133 minutes (in seven games). Lots more to choose from but I kept it to these 3 as they are in competition for minutes.

It’s not the most telling stat, but it does speak to aggressiveness offensively. And we need offensive aggressiveness if we are going to win.


And he’s made only 3 FTs in 496 minutes. That’s gotta be flirting with some kind of record


This is interesting – I’d say Elijah was effectively out of the rotation before Harris came back.

  • Dante: 0–>17
  • imac/Reece: No change (more, if anything)
  • Rohde: 31–>25
  • Taine: 9–>3
  • Bond: 21–> 5 (but more of a Minor->Groves->Blake domino effect, but still some residual Dante effect)

Based on one game (and the one previous, if not obvious), it was a mix of Taine and Rohde minutes (6+6 = 12), with a small amount of Bond at the 3 minutes (2.5) and one or two Elijah token minutes (2.5).

On Rhode FT attempts: yeah, and drawing fouls was a strength of his game last year. He drew that one against Cattoor, and I got happy and went looking for the Adam Driver “more” Star Wars gif, and couldn’t find it, and then missed the next play

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I don’t think we’re getting aggressive Rohde this year. Kept holding out hope he would be more aggressive at some point this year as he got acclimated but he’s clearly who he is at this juncture (of this season). He was an aggressive player at St. Thomas and averaged 3.8 FTA per game for what it’s worth. Has our culture of passiveness impacted his confidence? Is it solely the jump in competition and not having the requisite athleticism? I have no idea honestly.

Best hope for him is that he goes on a run of good shooting which is certainly possible (and something he did last year shooting 42% from this point of the season until the end - number is off the top of my head so please don’t “well actually” me).

I’ve very interested to see what Rohde becomes over time because he’s basically a freshman here. Two more years of eligibility and extremely unlikely to transfer. Does another offseason put him on a different trajectory next year and beyond? Can he be a key building block? Or is this what we’re mostly going to get (timidness, solid facilitator/defender, but poor shooter and inefficient offensive player)?

I’m in the camp that thinks he will be a good player for us at some point. That time is not now sadly.


Man those jerseys are AWESOME! It would be great to get those back. That dark blue was bold and intimidating.


This has been my point all along. Give some Rohde minutes to Eli and Dante. Give a few Reece minutes (to keep him fresh) to Dante and Eli. Probably give a few iMac minutes to Dante and Eli.

Not here to bash Rohde, just saying Eli can do different things. At the very least, Eli is a MUCH better rebounder than Rohde. Think we can all agree on that. Eli has more blocks than Rohde and has probably played 10% of the minutes.

Tony’s loyalty to Rohde, in the face of overwhelming data to try something else, reminds me of BVP last year after he hurt his back and couldn’t make anything. We kept running BVP out there when Kadin was probably the right call. I love Tony, but he is loyal to a fault. Or maybe that’s called stubbornness : )

Loyalty is honorable, but Tony (or his assistants) has to open his eyes and realize what Eli could do vis a vis Rohde.

Go Hoos.


I like Taine and think he deserves a shot, but he hasn’t been great defensively and just okay offensively. Rohde has been stable defensively but nothing special offensively. I think that Elijah has been more *explosive defensively by getting his hands in the passing lane in a Dante Harris sort of mode, causing havoc and turning defense into offense.

If we continue to incorporate Reece, Harris and Elijah on the perimeter than that as an impressive defensive group. However I do understand that we need scoring so I’m ok with playing Gertrude along with one of the other guys and not necessarily both at the same time to leave an open spot for a scorer.

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I think it’s a bit because I dm tu on twitter from time to time and it’s way easier to understand his messages there lol

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Please god no


Dante hasn’t proven anything as a scorer for the Hoos. His value is predominately heating up the ball on D (when not hobbled) and touching the paint to create space and movement. He is a dawg in terms of toughness but his handle isn’t consistently elite. Love his energy. Agree he was a more point guard than Eli.

Eli is a 2.


So far Rhode has been one of the worst shooters I have seen. Dante’s j was nothing but rust coated with rust last night


Just curious why no one is talking about Isaac getting too many minutes? Because he is.
About 33-34 minutes a game except cupcakes, the Cuse blowout, and foul trouble against Louisville when he played great in 19 minutes. Maybe he wasn’t tired.?


Am I misremembering, or did Bond say Rohde’s got the best shot on the team in one of those team videos pre-season.

Although Tony didn’t include Rohde in the blue/white 3-point contest.

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Isaac is getting a lot of minutes but hes the only threat to score from 3 on this team.

Not playing gertrude is a travesty right now especially what we are getting from others on the court.


Agree. He could come down to the 30min range. split those between Dante and Eli.


I’d like to see us try a Reece/Dante/Eli lineup at least once. I know the floor spacing on the perimeter would be abysmal, but put them in some pick and rolls and see if they can find their way into the lane even without the consistent threat from 3. Also allows you to play with a little more pressure and athleticism on defense.