Hoos Going Pro 2022-23 NBA Season


Hauser and Trey go 5/6 from 3 on the same night


Another example of NBA scouts looking for guys who can dunk with their elbow …

If Trey can add another 15-20 lbs and still stay the same shooter. Watch out!


How good has Hauser been?
Before last night he had a 3 game stretch where he shot 4/17 from 3 (24%) …
Even with that stretch he is 5th in the league in 3 pt % among guys with at least as many attempts at 48.5%



So to the NBA world are Sam and Trey UVA players? Do Rice and Marquette get any credit from anyone in the league?


I hope we are claiming them big time! Even if Tony Bennett isn’t b/c he’s too humble, the UVA marketing team should be all over this. I have noticed that Trey has done a few shout outs to UVA, and Lavel Davis was one of his friends per a post from yesterday.

It would be amazing if Sam, Trey and Joe Harris were three contenders in the 3 point shooting contest this year. Their teams marketing should be all over this.


Imma guess 50 percent their credit 45 Uva 5 former place(s). Trigga is very vocal about coming from UVa for sure. Sam seem less outspoken but he is definitely coming back to Cville before Milwaukee


Especially given that Tony himself was a legendary shooter, there’s clearly an opportunity to take credit for him coaching up some of the NBA’s best shooters. Then throw in the fact that in negative recruiting they’re surely saying that Tony is a “system coach” who only focuses on defense… it almost becomes an obligation to play up his success in this area.


Yeah- Tony has mentioned *very briefly that he is proud of what Sam is doing in the league this year, but its not much of a sound bite. Meanwhile I forgot that Trey did return to campus earlier this summer I believe to hang out with the new guys, Kihei and some of the others.


Just watch the Klay Thompson clip on All the Smoke talking about Tony Bennett


In the portal age, getting a rep as a finishing school for wings who are marginal NBA prospects seems to be pretty good, right?


Yes, but so far, not as good as being more active in the NIL market and having more favorable transfer requirements.

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The only person I know hoo truly was early to Trey in the NBA was @brogdonfanpage Great call Zach


I didn’t post here at the time, but after that Towson game, I said something along the lines of, “thank goodness the draft just ended!” (obv. 2020 draft was delayed). Being 6-9 and a knock down perimeter shooter is good. That said, did I think #17 was in the cards? Nope. Did I think he’d be this good, this quickly? Nope.


Still a great call


C’mon, it’s not like they were playing against Ohio or somebody.

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Trey actually played well vs Ohio.
The problem that game was the same all year - not playing Woldetensae as the starting 2 guard. Or at the very least 20 min a game.
Stranger still … Tomas had played double digit minutes in the 7 games leading up to the NCAA tournament … and played only 4 min vs Ohio.
He shot 42% from 3 in 2021… and at 6-5 was a very solid defender … all the data showed he was the 2nd best guard defender behind Beekman and well ahead of Morsell and Clark.

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Sam Hauser was missing open shots so clearly the problem was Woldo not playing… cmon dave. I even agree with you that Tomas should have played more/started at the 2.

But it had nothing to do with Hauser shot just being off on top of Hauser getting Cooked by BVP.




Both things can be true … so let’s see … Sam and Huff were having an off day … Hoo do we have that can make shots beside them? By the way TW had a higher 3 pt % than Sam that year. He was 2nd only to Murphy… Maybe he takes the pressure off everyone else by knocking down 1 or 2 … Maybe his gravity opens things up for others instead of Reece, Clark and Morsell just clogging things up as they weren’t guarded all year at the arc.
Nah … lets double down on Reece and Clark playing 75 of the 80 available guard minutes that game and combining to go 1/6 from 3 and 6/17 from the field???
While the opposing PG goes 4/7 with 11 points, 13 rebounds and 8 assists??

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