I didn’t watch the game, but the general consensus I see is Jay needed to play with more of a motor last night.
Another clip of Ty at warriors practice
Ty wanted no part of that, lol
Maybe so, but statistically that was a busy 12 minutes.
Wow, that is worse than I imagined when I heard there was a scuffle. You can’t attack a teammate (or anyone) like that. That’s ridiculous.
Smart man
I read the Myers (GM) blurb about it, ironically, after I saw the video. Yeah, bad look. And Myers was definitely trying to sweep it under the rug. Gotta wonder if that brazen attempt led to the leak.
Here’s the blurb from the thing I read:
“It’s the NBA. It’s professional sports. These things happen,” Myers said. “Nobody likes it. We don’t condone it, but it happened. Draymond apologized to the team this morning. Jordan was there in the room … as far as any suspension or punishment, we’re going to handle that internally.”
Gotta be some Michigan - Michigan State thing as well…
Yeah, I mean, with that video out there you have to think they’ll suspend him for at least some period of time. That’s just totally unacceptable behavior.
It’s also kind of wild what is acceptable in a professional sports league versus like every other walk of life. Can you imagine beefing with a guy in the cubicle next to you and then just punching him in the face full force? You’d be fired before the other guy hit the ground and there’s a solid chance you’d be facing charges, versus having your CEO be like “Yeah, we’ll handle it internally, but we’re all moving forward as an organization”.
Yeah, there’s a certain amount of leeway in a professional sport that has high level athletes and high stakes, but what you see in the video is way past what that leeway would seem to allow. And yeah, more than just “it’s an internal matter.”
LOL. Any job where you get paid is professional. And in 99.99% of them you’d get fired on the spot for that. And rightly so.
Waive draymond, sign Ty. Easy solution
Well, to amend my own analogy, I guess it also depends on how valuable you are to the organization. If a towel boy from the Warriors punched somebody, he’s probably fired immediately. And if a hard-to-replace high-earning partner at a law firm decks a coworker…. I guess they could survive it, although I’d imagine the coworker would at least get a handsome payout.
What you can’t see in the video is Ty talking the whole time and instigating this somehow. High IQ move to free up a roster spot.
I think I remember that episode of Suits
No kidding… Better not to mess with crazy.
Hmm am I wrong but there’s no audio on that right? Draymond’s punch looks nasty for sure and whoever leaked the video definitely wanted to prove a point.
I get it you can’t do that in your 9-5 (it might be a better place if you could…) but it’s not you’re 9-5 it’s the NBA. Fights happen just the truth. The visual looks bad and it probably was, but I don’t know the full context. I’ve punched more than a few teammates HS, College, Pro… buy em a beer and a shot say your sorry own what happened and move on.
A suspension likely has to come after the punch, especially since it looks like Poole did not retaliate.
Biggest issue here if I’m a GM is I don’t want them hurting each other and missing time over something stupid. Talk to each individually then together and then with the whole team. If it can’t be squashed in that time you trade the guy who’s least valuable to the team.
How much does TMZ pay for these tapes and who sold it I would love to know
Bingo that’s what I want to know. The issue was dead and buried and the video comes out after
Someone had an agenda and someone got paid.
Seems like it would be fairly easy to know where it came from. And yeah, there was definitely an agenda in releasing it.