🙄 No Holds Barred Thread - A Haney/DavetheWave Production

I know some of you like Celts talk: as of a week or so ago, the O/U was 56.5, which seemed very high, even at the time. Now with the coach likely out this year, taking the under if you can get it in that neighborhood seems like free money. Right?

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Definitely free ha

Edit: just read the story. So strange


Yea… you look at the run of bad luck the Celtics have been on for the last 3ish months and it’s pretty crazy. Somewhere the Nets leadership is looking at the ESPN bottom line and thinking “damn we aren’t in such bad shape after all.”

Also without knowing the full details of the story, but a year?!?! damn.


I’ll take the under on a year being out for Udoka …waaaay under.


Sounds right to me with the very little info I have

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We shall see. I wouldn’t bet against Woj.


Also screw Woj. I’m getting sick of him and Schefter putting out half stories for the sake of being first. Esp when it could affect a person’s life beyond the lines of the field


Agree 100 percent there

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But he also cheated on THE Nia Long for some sort of office assistant??? When you establish a new relationship you’re supposed to move UP in society ie: another actress or producer/director etc.


Agree with that. Not a big fan of the scoops game. He’s ruined the experience of watching the draft (not to make that equivalent to what you said).


Just found that out too and here is 20 yr Dragon finding out Nia is bout to be single.
im ready fresh prince GIF


I’m also salty about him ruining the draft.

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You musta never saw this flick


How do you know whether she is a good person or any better to be with than Mrs. Will Smith who is certifiable?

p.s. by the way the 2 were already separated before this happened.

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Can you confirm that? Because depending on the language in the code of conduct that could change things.

Nah - the CofC was about staff - staff relationships

Makes sense, I was hearing otherwise earlier today and am waiting to find out for sure.

Know a similar situation happened a yr or 2 ago in Minnesota with their Basketball Ops guy and an employee, but single employees were exempt.

Ooooooh, the plot thickens

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Edit - sorry - he wasn’t married so they couldn’t be separated …
So legally he was single the whole time anyway.

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Oh man I forgot! Yes it’s been a very hot minute! We used to have this on VH-… DVD :wink: