Outside UVa Recruiting

Would’ve loved to see him at UVA but Bag Szn never ends :moneybag:


That’s a very odd choice based on everything he said in interviews

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Again I just don’t understand these parents on a human level. Imagine having the chance for your son to learn from Leonard Hamilton and instead sending him to be corrupted by Will Wade.


How is will wade corrupting them though? Just because you are getting paid doesn’t make you a bad person. And LSU has done a good job with one and dones getting drafted.

Would will wade be a good culture fit at UVA? No. Would any of us turn down $400,000 on top of a full ride if we were going to get drafted regardless? No


It doesn’t make you a good person either and certainly not a role model for young men…,which ya know, should be important to parents over $$$$$

It’s not amount money it’s because Will Wade is a bad person. I’m fairly sure FSU pays people too. Wade is legit just not a good dude. Ask anyone around VCU when he was there. Type of dude to tell a student he passes by to F off instead of saying hello.

I don’t think Will Wade is going influence Julian Phillips that much as a person in the 8 months he is there. And he got paid. That helps, especially depending on family finances

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Maybe not a hugely influential negative but Leonard Hamilton or Rick Barnes would be a very positive influence and I’m sure they’d still get paid at those places.

I always find it interesting that Will Wade and Kyle Getter were on Shaka’s staff together at VCU for two years. I’m not sure what type of rep Wade had at VCU, but I don’t remember the bag dropper rep until the FBI thing happened.

Fwiw, I am of two minds on the Wade stuff. I’m an advocate of players getting more $$ for what they contribute to schools. But there is something to be said for abiding by rules or advocating for them to change; not just subverting them. Black markets exist because there is demand not being filled by the legit market, but they also enable folks who are more willing to break rules/norms…


Oh yeah Im not saying will wade is a good person: If these coaches really cared about players getting paid they would have advocated for it to happen, not pay them under the table while rules make such illegal meaning they can gain a benefit. Im saying a player isn’t a bad person or getting corrupted for taking cash. I doubt Will Wade will have any bearing on Phillips. (I think he is going to be a stud in the long term regardless, he’s a better handles/slasher trey murphy)


No one said either of those things though. You can say a decision was a bad, or even terrible, one without saying the person or family making it are bad people. And I would add a family making a decision expecting their college coach doesn’t impact their son as a person not only made a bad decision but they also had a bad process. More likely Wade just put on the charm and they fell for it though.

My question is do the parents have to pay taxes on this 400k? If it’s a “gift allowance” then anything over 10k I believe they have to pay. If the recipients of this bag are NOT paying taxes then that is a liability.

They aren’t getting any of these players. But I get it since they are hosting Notre Dame. How big if the VT basketball recruiting budget?

If they’re unofficials I don’t think it costs much at all


VT should be good at unofficials. It was all they had for a year after Buzz used up all the officials before walking away.


I think my favorite part about Buzz leaving VT is that their insiders (all one of them) are willing to admit A.) Buzz was dropping bags while at VT and B.) Landers Nolley absolutely cheated on his standardized tests


I do like how Buzz screwed them over by using VT funds/resources to make recruiting moves for his next stop. He knew he was on his way out and said F it lol. He hated the VT administration (not sure if as much as he hated the Marquette admin).


So true… after Buzz left and the whole Landers Nolley thing played out… slowly but surely people were saying thank god he was gone and people in the know were coming clean as to how hard it was for VT to get a top 75 kid to come play basketball there… makes me wonder if Greenburg dropped bags as well…