Pre-season 2022

Dunn looks bigger than I remember.


Probably is Hunter’s height. 6’7/6’8. Just needs to add the muscle.


Definitely, especially considering the 7:30 am Tuesday morning time slot, scheduled the day before. The 7 or so people who show up will be hype.

Now as penance for that joke, I will say they’ve been pretty good already about posting practice stuff. But you’ll never make some people (I.e., me) happy.


Y’all already know I’m still gonna show up at 7 w/ my notes app locked and loaded


There’ll be no phones. No conversation will be permitted. You will be allowed to sit wherever you like in JPJ, however the actual scrimmage will take place in the practice gym and only team and coaching staff will be permitted. They will come out and tell everyone when it’s over.


The team social media managers have released the highlights already:



So, based on that highlight UVA defense is going to be awful this year. Matador defense on display, no help defense, and no attempt to even get in position for a possible rebound.


Looks like a game I had on my TI-83.


Curious. How much do you have to give to be those old dudes watching practice at this time of the year? In the video of Reece hitting a three.


If you have to ask then you can’t afford it. :grin:


I am now thankful for the addition of Vander Plas. That logic and reasoning will take this team far

going by this our starting lineup should be Reece Armaan McKneely BVP Kadin

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All hope is lost. MJ would be Derozan in today’s game??? Face meet palm!


Nah man it shows we have some independent thinkers who can break free from the nostalgic driven indoctrination of past generations.

It does make me think 20 years down the line (if there is still a planet earth or if im still here) if Im going to be just as obnoxious trying to say “LeBron is the GOAT” when there is going to be a clear new GOAT competing against higher level competition top to bottom

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Why woukd you wanna be wrong for 20 more years…?


lol independent thinkers, they parroted the same derozen line from each other.

Lol. MJ is a great shooting guard. Maybe even the greatest (Gonna be an even wilder take but Kobe is my #2). LeBron is an all time great pg. All time great sg. All time great small forward. All time great power forward. The GOATUTTP (Greatest of All Time Up To This Point)

@Wahooblue BVP had the awareness to acknowledge Kadin said it first (rather than passing it off something he heard as his own) and made the awareness decision to agree that what Kadin said had summed up how he already had felt prior to Kadin saying that.

We as a species improve. A 1985 McIntosh isn’t better than a 2010 computer. The Playstation 1 isn’t a better performing console than the Playstation 4, even though the Playstation 1 might have had you feeling some way with the memories and what it represented at the time.

I do think most GOAT discussions are just for entertainment and ultimately it’s who your personal GOAT is, but LeBron is absolutely the more complete player in the face of higher overall competition facing kids who grew up with so much film to watch, better resources for training, training from a younger age, access to modern medicine and health regiments, etc. etc.

Honestly I thought BVP was trolling Kadin for a while …

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Ha you make a solid argument but like my professor once said it dont make you right. C plus


The whole thing is dumb comparing from different eras. Jordan would have been a different player now and Lebron would have been a different player than he is now.


I mean if we are going personal, my goat is Kirk Heinrich and no one is taking that way from me.

NBA 2K12, that Atlanta Hawks team with Josh Smith, Al Horford, and Jeff Teague with Hinrich running the show. True Beauty. How the game was meant to be played