The London Johnson didn't announce on April 14th thread

Agree with this. Should have done it already tbh.

Got it. “Hopefully” and “what I’m hearing” are two very different things for me though.

I took note of who he was following about a month ago so I could track if it had changed at all. No movement in that category.


To be clear I do hope and think it’s very possible the story of him just wanting his teammates there could be all there is to it. But the fact is other schools were hoping this would happen, trying to encourage it. And it’s an opportunity for them. They don’t need to change his mind. Just stop the commitment.


I always dreamed of UVA fighting with Alabama over recruits…

oh wait we’re talking about basketball??


Can Kihei just announce today that he is returning for his 5th season, so we can just get this all over now?


Is it possible this is just a teenager’s “April Fools got cha moment”. If hes truly a CTB kid he would not delay to listen to more offers. Would not be a match. CTB would move on. I dont buy that hes waiting for his teammates to be there and push another 2 weeks after the start of AAU season…Its an April Fools joke.

I’m going to beat this drum again - who Tony is is not who Tony was. He has changed thru the years. His inclination to play a lot of younger guys in the early years is well documented in the stat sheets. In the 2012-13 season there were 9 guys who played >400 minutes and a 10th who played over 200. 5 of the 10 were freshmen. That is important development opportunity for young guys.

And it wasn’t a guarantee that the time would continue. Taylor Barnette transferred, and the minutes of Evan Nolte and Teven Jones went down. But Brogdon returned the next year, Gill became eligible, and Perrantes joined the squad. Those were fun times watching those guys get opportunity, develop (or not), and to improve the team with quality depth. Tony doesn’t do this any more. Why, I think is a good question and I don’t think it’s a simple answer. But Tony of 2013 is different than Tony of 2022.


What does mama :bear: :bear: :bear: have to say about this?

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The title of that now-locked thread jinxed us.

You are right that it doesn’t happen that way anymore, which I agree is strange and counter-intuitive to how *other teams are getting many of their players involved and going 9-10 deep.

To summarize: We’ve had our most successful years from 2014-2019 with as many as 9 players, playing, BUT now in 2020-2022 we only want 7 playing? I actually think that it could JUST be that the talent wasn’t there, starting from that 2018/2019 class, and NOW we are loading up on talent so that we CAN play 9-10 again…otherwise we technically do not need to recruit anymore players this season if we are still only going to play 7.


The first bench shortening came in 2019, but that’s understandable in pursuit of a natty. But then Salt and the Big 3 left, leaving somewhat unexpected holes without talent to cover for it. Then the pandemic, change in transfer rules, etc and everything goes sideways. But I saw this year as an opportunity to restore the ‘12-‘13 approach with a couple talented young guys getting developmental minutes with a talented incoming class to follow. The development opportunity just never happened like it did in ‘13.

The one area where I would agree with Tony not playing Murray and Milicic is if they (1) had bad attitudes or (2) were half-assing in practice. Those are unacceptable. But I haven’t heard anything to that effect about those guys.

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Have you read the bench minutes writeup that guy did? They really go through the 3Ms play in detail. My big takeaway from it was the Kody may not have looked great, but he actually played the defense a lot better than people (including myself) gave him credit . And that Taine and Carson were even worse both individually on D as well as running the D than they looked. That’s pretty non-negotiable for CTB.

At the end of the day, CTB is a “system” coach. He has his system, and everyone needs to learn how to run it. A multiple coach of the year award winner didn’t just randomly decide Kody Stattman was divinely anointed for playing time. I suspect that Igor worked hard, but just didn’t learn the systems whereas Kody did.


HGN, can you comment on the staff’s reaction/state of mind? Does it appear as though they were given a reason? Thanks


I think you’ve mentioned this 3Ms article before. Do you have a link or other directions on how to find it? Thanks.

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Insert Michael Jordan meme about kids


Sure thing. Here it is: Making Sense of the Virginia Bench (2021-2022) – Cuts from The Corner: UVA Hoops Musings
I have no idea who wrote it or I’d give them a ton of credit.


Well I at least hope we stay away from build back better :slightly_smiling_face:


No idea. Just know they were aware before it was reported.


So at least the staff got a few hours advance notice to try to locate London’s teammates